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    AT COBRA KAI, Miguel and Tory were talking about 80s night at the roller rink, "I call dibs on Anthony Michael-Hall in 'Weird Science'

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    AT COBRA KAI, Miguel and Tory were talking about 80s night at the roller rink, "I call dibs on Anthony Michael-Hall in 'Weird Science'."

    June was unintentionally listening to their conversation, "I don't think you have to make dibs on that one." Miguel and Tory both look over to her, smiling. Miguel gets up to talk to Hawk, who just walked into the dojo. "So, who are you going as?" Tory asks June.

    "I think I'm gonna do Sigourney Weaver in 'Aliens'." June answers, "Badass. But I think that's technically the 70s." Tory laughs. "Oh, whatever." June smiles.

    "Everybody, fall in!" Johnny announces, "Today, we'll be learning one of the most important lessons a Cobra Kai could ever know."

    "Where's Sensei Kreese?" Wyatt questions, "Yeah. Shouldn't we wait for the sensei before we get going? Or not." Stingray comments.

    "Mr. Kreese will no longer be joining us. I made a promise when I became your Sensei. To always look out for you best interests. Despite how hard this may be for all of us, he didn't have our best interests at heart. John Kreese may have founded Cobra Kai, But he no longer represents what this dojo stands for. His Cobra Kai was old and outdated. He refused to move forward." Johnny lectures, "What happens when we do that, Mr. Diaz?"

    "You get stuck like cement." He states.

    "Exactly. To be a great fighter, you gotta adapt. This creed on the wall... Follow it to the letter, it'll make you strong. It'll make you formidable. It will also make you an asshole. 'Cause that's just black paint on a white wall. But life's not black and white. More often than not, it's gray. And it's in those gray areas where Johnny Lawerence's Cobra Kai... sometimes shows mercy. Doesn't mean you can't be badass. It's still a requirement. But you have to learn to think, not just with your gut... or your fists... but to really use... this." Johnny taps his head aggressively.

    "Which leads me to todays lesson." He turns around and grabs a wooden board, before breaking it with his head. "Head butting. Grab a partner."



      AT THE ROLLER RINK, June and Tory were working, bussing tables and going to and from the kitchen. June was skating back for the kitchen, not even noticing that Sam, Robby, Mason, and Sawyer had just come in.

    As she passes them, Sawyer taps her arm, "Excuse me, can we have some menus?" June turns around to face them. "Well, lookie here."

    "I didn't know you worked here." Sawyer says, trying to be nice to the girl. "Not all of us has daddy's credit card." June comments, "Look, we just wanted to order some food. I'm sorry."

    Miguel then comes up them, "Hey, you know where Tory is?" He asks, not noticing the four other teens in front of her. "Oh, I think she's on break."

    Miguel then notices the other teens, "Oh, didn't see you there. Dig the costumes." He looks over to Sam. "Thanks." She mutters. "Oh, June. This is Sam, Robby, Mason, and Sawyer." Miguel introduces them. "Yeah, we've met already. We had a little run-in at the beach club." June explains, Sam sighs,"How do you guys know each other?"

    "Oh, June's in Cobra Kai." Miguel replies, "Figures." Sawyer grumbles. "What was that?" June questions, Sawyer puts in a fake smile. "Oh, nothing."

   "Well I'll see you later, I guess." June says to Miguel before skating away. She passes a table that Wyatt is at. "You're girlfriends here. Don't know why you invited her." June grumbles. "Hey, can you not judge my relationship." Wyatt states, June just puts her hands up in defense, skating away.

    Wyatt had found Sawyer, and they skated around for a bit until her skate broke. After getting a new pair. Sam's skates ended up being too big, and had to get another pair as well. After tying up their laces, Robby and Mason are there with milkshakes for them.

  "Hey. I've gotten two compliments on my costume, but everyone thinks I'm some guy named Dan Johnson. You ever heard of him?" Robby explains, "Uh, no. I'm sure whoever he is, he's cute." Sam responds. Sawyer and Mason roll their eyes at the couple.

    June suddenly skates up from behind Sawyer and Sam bumping into them. Making both of them fall on the ground hard. "Oops. Sorry, princesses." June says, skating away.

    The two of them quickly get up, with the help of Robby and Mason. Sawyer then skates over and sweeps Junes legs, her falling on her back and the food in her tray going everywhere.

    Wyatt skates over, "What the hell, Sawyer!"
The girl is slightly shocked at his sudden outburst. "What? Me? I... She's the one-"

    "Are you okay, June?" The security guard said. June sits up holding her head, with the help of Wyatt. "What a girlfriend you have." June mutters. "I'm not exactly happy either, okay." Wyatt grumbles.

    "All right, you're done. You're out." The security guard tells the four teens.

    "She's the one who started it." Mason says, gesturing towards June. "You're out!" He repeats. They reluctantly turn around and leave.

 They reluctantly turn around and leave

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