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DANIEL WAS BACK WITH THE STUDENTS OF Miyagi-Do teaching the class. "I know its been awhile since our last class. After the fight at the school, I wasn't sure Miyagi-Do should stay open. But things have gotten worse since we shut down. That's why we're back. The only way to stop Cobra Kai is if we all work together. But always remember, the reason we learn karate is"

"To show the world that you're not a bunch of pansy-ass nerds! We're gonna show 'em that you're tough! Because Eagles don't get shit on. They're the ones that do the shitting. Just don't forget, being a badass doesn't mean being an asshole. The goal isn't to hurt other kids. The goal is to" Johnny lectures his class of Eagle Fang Karate.

"Win at all costs. Those we thought to be our allies have turned against us. Now our enemies are attacking us from all sides. There is no turning back. Now is the time to show them" Kreese spoke firmly to his class of Cobra Kai's.

"Fogiveness. Compassion. Mr. Miyagi used to say if you're looking for revenge, you could start by digging two graves." Daniel spoke calmly, as his students practice their breathing exercises. "If you have hate in your heart, than you've already lost. I know it's not easy, but you have to do whatever you can"

"To beat the living crap out of 'em. Don't let them push you around." Johnny continues as his students practice their jab punches. "You gotta swoop down like an eagle, grab 'em with your claws, and sink you fangs into 'em. But I don't ever want you to start the fight. I just want you to"

"Finish it. For good. Do I make myself clear?" Kreese questions his class.

"Yes, sensei!"


AT EAGLE FANG, Johnny was holding a frisbee and each of the students had to kick it. "Good, Bert. Remind me not to piss you off. Assface, your next." Johnny states. "Does my nickname have to carry over from the previous dojo?" The boy questions, walking over to the sensei. "You wanna be Penis Breath?" Johnny questions.

"Assface is fine." He shakes his head, before preforming a spinning jump kick. "Good, Penis Breath! All right, Diaz, you're up." Johnny holds up the frisbee as Miguel walks up. "Imagine this is the guy I stole this frisbee from, all right? Just picture his stupid white dreads." Miguel tries to kick it but it ends up being very weak. "All right, good hustle. Who's next?"

Miguel argues that he can do it, much to Johnny disapproval. He goes to kick it but loses his balance and falls to the ground. The class surrounds the boy, but he snaps at them. "All right, everybody. Take five, go get some water. But not from the fountain, I saw some meth head wipe his ass in it." Johnny dismisses.

"You gotta be shitting me!" Mitch exclaims, everybody looking at him in question. "What? What happened?" Miguel questions.

"They cancelled the All Valley."


    JUNE WAS CURRENTLY sitting in the Valleys probation office, impatiently waiting for her officer to call her in. Her foot tapped on the floor in a seemingly anxious manner. The officers door opened, a tall woman with long dark hair stepped out of the room. She looked up from her clipboard looking out into the mostly empty waiting room. "June." The girl looks up in question, the two women making brief eye contact. "Come on in." The woman says, a smile playing at her lips.

    June stands up from the hard seat and walks in the small office. "Hello, June. I'm Sharon, I'm going to be for probation officer for the time being." The raven haired woman said, closing the door behind her and siting down at her desk. "Have a seat."

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