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   AT COBRA KAI all of the students sat around the mat as both of the Sensei's sparred each other

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AT COBRA KAI all of the students sat around the mat as both of the Sensei's sparred each other. "Ok, pay attention. He's got my neck, I've got his elbow. If I try to break out..." Sensei Lawrence explains, "I dig in, and I put him to sleep." Kreese finishes.

"If I go for his ribs..." Sensei Lawrence starts, "He leaves his chest exposed."

"Two difficult choices. What do you do?" Sensei Lawrence asks the class. He then kicked Sensei Kreese's knee, knocking both of them down. "You damn the consequences and power forward."

"You may get hurt, but nobody wins by doing nothing." Kreese explains, "You make a choice. You make a move. You go all in."


WYATT HAD TAKEN Sensei's advice of going all in to heart. He wanted to see Sawyer again, but without all of the drama, just them. After practice he went into the mini mart next door to get some snacks for June and Tory, for when he got home.

He walks in, quickly waving at the owner before walking down an aisle, trying to think of a way to see Sawyer again. Wyatt didn't even realize he was staring at a cereal box very intently until he heard an oddly familiar voice. "Are those good?"

Wyatt snaps back to reality and looks over to see the girl he was just think about. "I'm sorry, what?"

Sawyer laughs, pointing towards the box of cereal, "Those good?" She asks again. Wyatt decides to try an play it cool, "Oh, yeah. They're great, you know. All that sugar." He jokes, which makes her laugh. Her smile seemed to be enough to put a smile on Wyatt's face.

"I haven't seen you in here before. Thought you only shopped at Whole Foods." Wyatt remarks, "I actually was hoping to run into you here." She answers, blankly. Wyatt is taken by surprise, "Wait, really?"

"Yeah. It's embarrassing, I know. To be honest, I couldn't stop thinking about you." Sawyer explains, Wyatt smiles at her. "You wanna get out of here?"

A smile slowly creeps onto Sawyers face, "Sure." She nods.

The sun was starting to set as the two walked to the park. They sit on a park bench, looking at all of the kids and families still there. "So, what's the deal with your sister." Sawyers asks, out of the blue. "Uh... well she can get pretty defensive. I guess, because of everything we've been through, she doesn't trust people, that easily." Wyatt sighs, as Sawyer nods in understanding.

"It's also not the best first impression when you accuse them of stealing something." Wyatt adds, Sawyer scoffs. "Okay, I will admit that was very bad judgement on our parts."

Wyatt shakes his head, looking down. "No. It's okay, I forgive you. I don't think they'll forgive you guys that easily though."

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