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    JOHNNY AND MASON were going to help out Miguel on getting his legs working again, now that he was out of the hospital

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    JOHNNY AND MASON were going to help out Miguel on getting his legs working again, now that he was out of the hospital. "Let's go, Speedracer. I'm gonna work those gimpy legs like a... rented mule." Johnny exclaims as him and Mason walk to the Diaz residence, they open the door to see Miguel laying on a bed with a hippie looking dude moving his leg around.

"Sorry. I thought you said 10:00 that you'd be alone." Johnny states, "I'm sorry, my mom gets free physical therapy from work. And this was the only time Brayden was available." Miguel explains to the two.

"Mahalo." Brayden greets the two guys, both of them giving him slight confused looks. "Be done soon if you wanna wait."

"Now, if you're feeling any pain, hermano, let me know." Brayden tells Miguel, as he moved his leg around. "Still no feeling whatsoever."

"No worries. Positive thoughts, remember? You're doing great." Brayden praises, Johnny looks at the man, still in confusion. "At what? Letting you lift his legs?" The blonde questions. "Johnny, Brayden is a specialist in this field. He knows what he's doing." Carmen, who had been there quietly watching the scene finally spoke.

"Slow deep breaths." Brayden explains, exhaling heavily, Miguel doing the same. "Inhale joy and love."

Johnny and Mason look at each other confused, they thought all of this was stupid. "You gotta be shitting me?" Johnny spoke, Carmen quickly stopping him. "Johnny... can I talk to you for a minute?"

Once the session was over, Miguel had said goodbye to the therapist and was going back to his apartment when an old magazine was dangled in front of his face. He looks up to see Johnny and Mason up in the balcony, Johnny holding a fishing rod with the magazine on it. "This is a collection of the tastiest babes of 1988. And your not gonna get to see 'em unless you grab it."

"Okay." Miguel says, reaching his arm out to grab it but it's pulled just out of his reach. "Gonna have to try a little harder than that, my friend." Mason chuckles. "You know I can just find these pictures on my phone?" Miguel questions his sensei. "It's not the same. Chicks are hotter on the page." Johnny explains. "But you won't know unless you get off your butt. Or you could keep getting foot rubs from that pansy-ass therapist."

Miguel chuckles, reaching for the magazine again but it's pulled away quickly. "Weak! That all you got, Diaz? I thought you were the All Valley Champ?"

Miguel then starts to try a slowly stand up, and is only a fingertip away from the magazine but looses balance and falls forward to the ground. "Shit." Mason and Johnny say running down the stairs to go help him back up. "You all right?"

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