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    ONCE JUNE SAT ACROSS from Kreese, he told some story about Sensei Lawerence and how he never gave up

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ONCE JUNE SAT ACROSS from Kreese, he told some story about Sensei Lawerence and how he never gave up. June didn't care much for his story, though. "You should tell that to someone who cares." June states, crossing her arms over her chest.

    "Come on, kid. You know you don't deserve to be here. You followed the principals of Cobra Kai." Kreese says, June scoffs at him. "Cobra Kai's what got me here in the first place. If this is your way of trying to get me to come back, you're wasting your time. I'm done with karate. It ruined my life." She explains, whispering her last statement.

    "Sure, you can keep beating yourself up for what went down. But by the look of your face, there's plenty of people here happy to do that for you. You shouldn't worry though, your brother said the same thing. And he came back, only after a couple arrangements." Kreese states, cigar in his hand. June's interest is peaked when he mentions Wyatt.

    "What you mean arrangements?" She questions, looking at him curiously. "Well, your landlord is quite the domineering figure."

    "You know my landlord?"

    "Oh, yeah. I made a little house visit. I'm sorry about your grandmother." Kreese spoke, June's jaw hardening at him mentioning Hae.

    "Now, your brother, he just wanted to keep you out of harms way. I do too. Maybe from this landlord." Junes breath shutters, an old memory resurfacing. The girls eyes begin to water as the memory keeps on replaying in head.

Kreese notices the girls sudden mood change, and questions to himself if this shitty landlord ever did anything to her. "Did he do something to you?"

June takes a deep breath, trying to control her panicking mind. She glances up towards the man, "Let's just say, this guy liked to take care of children. In...different ways." June hints, knowing that Kreese got what she was trying to say. "He's not gonna hurt you anymore. I'll make sure of it." Kreese assures the girl, who nods at him.

    "Thank you."


SAWYER AND SAM, we're leading class at the dojo. Demetri had just landed a hit on Chris, knocking him to the ground. He helps the boy up, "Good hit, man."

"Good. Again." Sawyer states, "We have to be ready to fight."

Demetri and Chris get ready to fight again, but are interrupted by Amanda and Anthony. "What do you think you're doing?"

The kids all look towards her, "Uh... would you believe... study group?" Demetri tries to defend but fails. "Go home. All of you. Now!" Amanda states, before turning towards her daughters. "So what part of 'no more karate' did you not understand?" Amanda questions, crossing her arms.

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