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     JOHNNY AND MASON were coming back from the store, Johnny drinking a beer as Mason walked a few feet behind him

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JOHNNY AND MASON were coming back from the store, Johnny drinking a beer as Mason walked a few feet behind him. Daniel was there to talk to Johnny about Robby. He hears Johnny walking by, "John. Hey, don't you ever answer your..." Daniel starts but trails off seeing the man's beaten up face.

"Oh God, what happened to you?" Daniel asks, as Mason walks out from Johnny. "Mason. What are you doing here?" Daniel questions.

Mason is confused by him, "Uh... spending time with my dad." He says gesturing to the blonde next to him. "What do you want?" Johnny asks, as Daniel sighs.

"I went to your dojo and saw your old sensei. What the hell happened? I thought you said he was gone." Daniel explains, looking between the two. "Look, I don't wanna get into it right now. I got a headache. I need some sleep." The father and son turn around to the apartment.

"I got a lead on Robby." The two both stop in their tracks. "I've been trying to find him on my own. But I thought... maybe you'd like to help." He explains as the two slowly turn back around to face him.

"Look, I don't wanna be here anymore than you. But I know we all want Robby to be safe. He's out there somewhere. He doesn't have anyone to help him. The whole reason these kids got into trouble was because of us, Johnny. We can't let them suffer because of our issues. The only way to end this is by working together. So?"


JOHNNY AND MASON had agreed to join Daniel in their search. Johnny had fallen asleep shortly after getting in the car, leaving Daniel and Mason in silence. "So, you doing okay?" He questions the teen, looking in his mirror to see the boy sitting in the back of the car.

"Don't act like we're buddies. I'm only here to find Robby." Mason scoffs. "Look, I'm sorry for everything." Daniel apologizes, Mason opens his mouth to say something but quickly shuts it deciding that he didn't want to say anything.

After awhile Johnny has finally woken up, "Hey, I got you a juice. Advils in the glove department." Daniel states, holding up a gross looking green juice. "Looks like sewage." Johnny remarks, "Suck it up. If we want to find Robby, you might wanna be awake." Johnny groans. "Well, drive faster then. I feel like I'm in a rocking chair."

He takes a couple Advil's and downing them with the juice, his face contorts into one of disgust due to the taste. Johnny reaches forward to the radio, turning on some rock music and turning the volume up. "Knock it off." Daniel states, turning the music off. "We're on a mission."

"What are we supposed to do, drive all day looking for a van?" Mason questions from the back. "No, but hopefully our mutual friend can point us in the right direction."

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