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    ROBBY AND SAM had decided that it was time for them to tell Amanda and Daniel about their relationship

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    ROBBY AND SAM had decided that it was time for them to tell Amanda and Daniel about their relationship. The four teens walked into the house, and then over to the living room to see Shannon there on the couch. "Mom?" Mason and Robby say in unison.

     Shannon, Mason, and Robby sat on the couch, the two boys looking away from her. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I... Cabo was a mistake."

    "Could've told you that." Robby grumbles. "I know. I, uh... I know that I haven't been there for you guys and I... God, it's been hard for me. I wanna make things right. But, um... I have to leave again." Shannon says, tears in her eyes.

    "Of course. Where to this time? Baja? Vegas?" Mason questions sarcastically, "Rehab. I need help, sweetie. And it's taken me a really long time to realize that. But I-I... The drinking, the pills, I... I have to change. I want to, for you boys." Shannon explains, "That's great, Mom." Robby says.

    "Um, Mr. and Mrs. LaRusso said that you're welcome to stay with them, you know, until I'm done with my program. You can also stay with your father." She says, the boys both shake their heads. The last thing they wanted to do was stay with him. "No."

    "Look, I know you guys don't have the best of relationships, but that's partly my fault. I don't want my own issues with your dad to poison you against him. He does care about you boys. I know he wants you guys in his life."


   SAWYER WAS on the phone with Moon, telling her all about the night before. "Then we got kicked out of the roller rink."

    "I can't believe she would do that to you. I'm so sorry." Moon apologizes.

    "I just can't believe that her and Wyatt are siblings." Sawyer explains.

    "Two siblings can be very different." Moon states.

    "Yeah, but twins. Seems kind of impossible." Sawyer says, shaking her head.

    "Hey. Why don't you come over later? My moms out of town. You can bring your karate friends." Moon suggests.

    "You're throwing a party?"

   "Yeah. It should be wild." Moon states.

    A knock on her door interrupts the two. Amanda peeks her head in the room. "I gotta go, but i'll think about it." She says, closing her laptop.

    "Hey, just so you know, your father and I are going out later." Amanda says, sitting down on the bed. "Let me guess. Lobster night at the country club?" Sawyer comments.

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