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    ROBBY HAD ended up staying the night at the dojo, and the next as the class filed in, Kreese was teaching the boy a move, before being interrupted. "What the hell are you doing here?" Hawk exclaimed, noticing the enemy there in the dojo.

    "Hold on there. Mr. Keene is our guest." Kreese defends the boy. Robby glances around at the students walking in, including June and Wyatt, who walked up  to the confrontation, nodding at the boy.

    Kreese went to go talk with Hawk in the office, while June followed Robby to the back room, where he was packing up his stuff. "Giving up already?" June questions, "Never joined in the first place. I don't belong here." Robby states.

     "Oh, you're running away again? We both know that doesn't work." June remarks, "I'm not running away." He defends, June sighs, "I was so mad, you know. At everybody, LaRusso's, but I was angry at myself the most. I regret running away, just made everything worse. Sensei Kreese taught me that if you take all that anger... and channel it... it makes you stronger. And it feels good." She pauses, taking a few steps closer to him, "Might help you, I know you got a lot of anger in there." She says poking a finger into his chest, "I suggest you take my advice."

    She starts to walk away but stops by the door. "Oh, a bunch of us are getting together after class. You should come. Or run away again." June says with one last look to Robby before leaving.


DANIEL AND SAWYER, had gotten a late start as Sam was already at the dojo. The father and daughter definitely didn't expect to walk in on Sam and Miguel... sparring.

Sawyer had opened the sliding door for her father as he carried a box of training equipment. Once seeing the two teenagers obviously in the middle of something, he looks down to avoid looking at them. "Woah!"

"Oh my god, my eyes!" Sawyer exclaimed, covering her eyes after catching the two. "Dad!" Sam exclaimed, in annoyance and embarrassment after the the teens pulled apart. "Sorry. Sorry." Daniel apologizes, "Uh... Is that my drum in your pocket?"

Miguel pulls the traditional drum out of the pocket of his shorts, he stammers to try and say something. "Can I open my eyes now?" Sawyer asked, not wanting to risk of seeing that again. "Yes, Sawyer you can open you eyes." Daniel answered.

The girl uncovered her eyes, "Good. I never want to see that again." She said gesturing to Sam and Miguel.

Later, as Daniel and Miguel were talking outside, Sam had explained to her sister that they wanted to combine Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang, to defeat Cobra Kai.


    IN THE WOODS, a couple of Cobras were there drinking some beer, "Okay, we've got one shot at this. Quick, in and out, we'll be good." Hawk tells the group of teenagers, he turns to Kyler, "Know what you gotta do?" Kyler nods, "Hell yeah." Taking a sip of his beer. Robby walks up to the group, "Someone took their sweet ass time." June says, as Hawk looks over to her, "You invited him?"

    June shrugs, "Yeah, so?" Hawk stays quiet. Kyler goes to hand Robby a beer, "Here you go, Keene." Robby shakes his head, "I'm good."

    Hawk looks over to the newcomer, "What? You can't handle a sip of beer." He laughs, "Nah, I just don't need to drink to pretend to be cool." Robby shrugs.

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