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    JOHNNY AND MASON had gotten Miguel back up and walking again, Johnny now wanted to open another separate dojo that was just his

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    JOHNNY AND MASON had gotten Miguel back up and walking again, Johnny now wanted to open another separate dojo that was just his.

    "What about 'Johnny Lawerence Karate'? Or 'Strike Hard Karate'?" Miguel suggests, Mason shaking his head at all of the names, while Johnny was aimlessly staring at his messages with Ali. Miguel huffs sitting at the table with the two. "Come on, Sensei, I'm trying to think of name for our new dojo."

     "How long does it take for facebook messages to get delivered?" Johnny says, ignoring the teens. "Ali lives in Colorado, so probably a while, right?"

    "It's instantaneous." Mason deadpans, Johnny huffs, closing his laptop. "Okay, what about 'All American Karate'" Miguel suggests. Johnny shakes his head, "It's not good enough. We need something that tells everyone we're the most badass dojo in the Valley."

    "It sucks that Cobra Kai's such a badass name." Mason sighs, "What if we just keep that? But we spell cobra with a K. They can call us triple K." Johnny states, The teens furrowing their brows.

    "Like KKK?" Miguel questions. "Yeah, that's probably a bad idea. All right, whatever. We'll figure it out. First, we need some students."

    "It's my first day back at school today. I could do some recruiting. But where are we gonna train?" Miguel asks, standing up. "Let me worry about that"

    At school, Mason and Miguel were at the latters locker when Johnny suddenly came up to the two boys. "Sensei?" Miguel questions looking around. "How'd you get through security?" Mason questions, "I went to school here. Think I don't know all the secret ways in and out? Hey. Got some good news. Found us a pretty sweet spot for our new dojo. How's the recruiting coming?"

    Miguel's face drops, sighing. "That bad?" Johnny says, following the two teens down the hall. "It's just everything's changed, Sensei. Cobra Kai, they... They drank the Kool-Aid." Miguel explains. "Kool-Aid? What's wrong with Kool-Aid?" Johnny asks the boy, "It's just... Sensei Kreese is turning them into an army of assholes. There's no convincing them to leave." Miguel says, stopping the three in their tracks.

     Johnny looks behind the teens to see a group of Cobra Kai's down the hall and decide to talk to them.


    WYATT AND the other Cobra's, were at school hanging around the halls, just talking about nothing in particular. Johnny is walking up to them. What is he doing here? Wyatt thought, noticing the older man. "Okay, listen up!"

    The Cobras open up their circle to let Johnny, Mason and a newly walking Miguel, stand with them. "I screwed up. And I'm sorry. I made it about me. And that's not what a sensei does. I took the easy way out. I gave up. What happened here at this school... it rocked me to my core. I could not look myself in the eye, let alone face all of you."

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