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    THE FOLLOWING NIGHT, June had hidden the stolen car in an alleyway

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THE FOLLOWING NIGHT, June had hidden the stolen car in an alleyway. She hadn't even thought of the possibility of her getting caught from breaking into the dealership.

June was at the bridge, legs dangling off the edge, not any thoughts. She felt numb. June was already regretting breaking into the LaRusso's dealership. She could use some advice from her mom at this moment. She always knew what to say at the right moments. Even at a young age June knew that he mother was a very wise person despite the woman's youthfulness.

Sirens were heard in the distance, but start to slowly come closer. The girls head whips around looking where they are as she steps off of the bridge edge. She knew they were there for her. Two police cars pull up to one end of the bridge, June on the other.

Her heart beat quickens as the two officers step out of their cars, hands hovering over their guns. "June Seok! You are under arrest. Put your hands up." One of them shouts, as they step closer to the girl.

June slowly puts her hands up, accepting her defeat. Her eyes start to water think about how she might now be able to see Wyatt again, at least for a long time.

One of the officers had gotten behind her and cuffed her hands. They walk her to the cop car, as she doesn't protest and just stays quiet the whole time. The drive to the police station was quiet as June nor the officer decided to speak to the other.

He opens the door for her as they arrive at the station, he pulls her out of the car and leads her into the station. They put her in a holding cell for the night. "You should be ready, girl. 'Cause you going to juvie missy." A different officer laughed as he walked past the cell. The man walks down the hall but runs into a detective. "Hey, you might wanna see who's in that cell. Let's just say, like father like daughter." The officer hands him her file before he walks away laughing.

The detective opens the file, eyes wide once noticing the familiar last name. He looks up at the cell, looking at the girl who sat there, looking at the ground. Her hair was covering the girls face.

He walks over to the cell, hands behind his back. "Like father like daughter, huh?" He spoke, the girls head slowly looking up at him. He notices the familiarity in her face, he remembers this girl from so many years ago.

"I'm Detective Watson. You wanna hear a little story?" He spoke, the girl still not saying a word.

"I worked on this case, I don't know, maybe eleven years ago. This guy was in possession of drugs, drug trafficking, I'm sure you know well." Watson starts to explain, June's eyes start to water again, he was bringing up bad memories she wanted to forget forever.

"So, I'm investigating him for a couple months now, going into his business, how he operates, and then I find out he's got a family. Two young kids. I mean who leaves their two five year-old kids at home, with a old and weak mother in law, and a dead wife." Watson says, waiting for a reaction for the girl.

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