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Hiranyakashyap summoned his troops and ordered them to take Prahlad in a cave full of highly poisonous snakes and leave him there till he's dead.

The troops obeyed and took the young boy to the cave outside the city premises. They pushed him inside and closed its mouth with a huge rock.

Prahlad looked around and saw uncountable snakes, some big some small. But he wasn't afraid, he just joined his hands and closed his eyes chanting the name of Bhagwaan Vishnu.

The snakes coiled themselves around his feet, arms and neck, biting him and injecting their venom in his veins. The poison seemed to burn him from inside but there was still a smile on his face, chanting the name of his lord.

Soon a bright light emerged in the cave and from it came out the divine Sudarshan Chakra, killing all the snakes.

As the rays from the bright light fell on Prahlad, the entire venom was sucked out of his body and now he no more felt the burning sensation

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As the rays from the bright light fell on Prahlad, the entire venom was sucked out of his body and now he no more felt the burning sensation.

Then the light diminished and Sudarshan Chakra disappeared. The troops of Hiranyakashyap removed the big rock opening the mouth of the cave.

They were shocked to see Prahlad still standing on his feet and chanting the name of Bhagwaan Vishnu. They took him back to the palace where Hiranyakashyap was also suprised.

He then ordered them to throw Prahlad off the hills. The troops obeyed and dragged the young boy with them to the hills outside the city.

They looked down the hills, which caused a churn in their stomach because it was so high. But they nevertheless pushed Prahlad down.

His hands were still joined and lips chanting Hari-naam as he fell down. But before he could touch the ground he found himself in the arms of someone.

Prahlad opened his eyes and they met with the ones shaped like lotus. Both smiled seeing each other.

Hiranyakashyapu kept clenching his fists not understanding how is Prahlad still alive. This time he called upon his sister Holika to do the task.

She had obtained a divine cloth, wearing which no fire could harm her. That's why she sat down on a pyre wearing the cloth while Prahlad rested on her lap.

The troops lit the pyre on fire while Prahlad kept chanting the name of Narayan. Suddenly a harsh wind blew out of nowhere and the cloth of Holika fell over prahlad covering him.

Holika screamed in agony as she was burned to death but Prahlad was still safe and sound, not a single burn mark was there on his body.



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