Chapter 4: First lesson

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Jack's (p.o.v.)

I walk into the class, I can see him standing there already, "There he is." I take a seat in the front row, "He looks even better, so close. I wish I could be closer to him, like in my dream."

I start thinking about my dream from last night...

*Slam of books*

No one's (p.o.v.)

Jack shocks up from the loud noise and looks at Mark.

Mark is laughing, "I know I might be boring, but I haven't even started yet."

Jack looks down with a red face, "I'm-I'm sorry... I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Of course. Well, for this time, I let you get away with it since it's the first day. But next time, try and get enough sleep, okay?"

Jack nods, too embarrassed to say anything else.

"Good." Mark then walks away, putting books on everyone's table.

Jack's (p.o.v.)

I slump down some more in my seat, "That could not have gone worse. Now the first thing that he saw of me was me zoning out... Why did I have to do that?!"

I hold my hand on my chest, I can feel my heart pounding, "He does know how to scare me. Fuck."

I look towards where he is and smile, thinking about it, "But on a good note, I did make him laugh. That's a good thing. I wish I could be alone with him, just like in my dream..."

I look back, shaking my head, "No, focus. You can't doze off again."

"Welcome, new students. My name is Mark Fischbach, you can all just call me Mark. If you have any questions about me, you should ask them now."

One boy in the back of the class puts up his hand.


"How old are you?"


Someone else puts up their hand, "How come you're a teacher already?"

"I finished college soon. And decided to become a teacher."

"How come you only started here now and not from the start of the year?"

"Well, I moved not long ago and needed a new job. From what I was told, your last teacher quit. So, they were more than happy to have a new teacher so soon."

After some more time, "No more? Perfect. Now that we got that out of the way, I'll start with the less."

I try my best to focus on what he is saying. But it's hard, "He even sounds perfect. Who knew someone like this could be real?"

"All open your books so we can start... Mmm, does anyone know where your last teacher left off?"

"Chapter 5. If I say it, he can look at me and won't only remember as the student who was dozing off..."

"Chapter 5, sir." Someone in the front says.

"Thank you. Let's all go on from there."

I look at the student, "Dammit. I should have been the one who said that. Of course, he would say it first. The study nerd of the school." I look back at Mark, who is looking in the book. Just like everyone else is, "Shit, I have to do that too, obviously."

I quickly grab my book and put it on chapter 5.

I look at Mark, "Mark. Now I at least know his name. That's a start."

Mark looks back to the class, "Let's start."

-Time skip till the end of class. Just imagine Mark teaching class and all that.

"That was the less. Work individual from now on, if you have any questions, you can always ask them."

Everyone starts working, and Mark walks over to his desk.

Mark's (p.o.v.)

"I can see he is looking at me again. That was the same student who was looking at me yesterday. He looks pretty good." I shake my head and look away, "I mean, for a student. I wonder why he was looking at me, though?"

I look at him a bit longer before looking back at my work again, "I mean, it doesn't matter anyway. Even if he would like me, I can't be with him. It would only bring him in danger."

*Bell rings*

No one's (p.o.v.)

Everyone starts packing their bag and gets out. Jack stays for the longest but gets too scared to say anything. He walks out of the classroom soon after everyone else has already left.

Jack's (p.o.v.)

I stay in the same place as yesterday, "Why didn't I say anything to him?"

I can see Mark clearly from here, "I mean, what could I have said to him?"

I take a few pictures again, trying to be as discreet as possible.

No one's (p.o.v.)

"What are you looking at?" Ethan is standing next to him.

Jack jumps up from the sudden voice and quickly puts his phone away, "N-Nothing. Why do you ask?"

"Heh, it seemed like you were looking at the new teacher."

Jack looks away, waving him off, "What? Of course not."

"No need to hide it from me. I understand it. Mark looks good, doesn't he?"

Jack looks back up again, "He is a teacher."

"So? It doesn't seem like you care about it either. I see how you look at him."

"What do you mean with that?"

"You like him too. I can see it on your face. Don't get your hopes up, though. He would never choose someone like you."

Jack gets angry at hearing that, "What makes you think that?"

Ethan looks at him crossing his arms and smiling smugly, "You're not exactly... Hmm, how do I say this... Good looking. You're nothing compared to him. He can get who he wants. He wouldn't choose you."

"What makes you think he would choose you?"

Ethan turns to look at Mark through the window, "I'm sure he would choose me over you."

Jack has to keep his anger in now, wanting to yell at him, but doesn't, "You stay away from him."

Ethan laughs at that, "Ha, I don't think so. I will get him. I'm sure of that. I gotta go, bye loser."

After that, Ethan walks away laughing.

Jack's (p.o.v.)

"I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. Ugh..." I look at the ground, shaking my head calming my breathing down.

I look back to Mark again, "I have to admit that he is right about one thing. Mark can choose who he wants. Why would he choose me?"

I stare at him a few more moments longer before starting to walk away, "I'll make sure he will choose me. I have to be perfect for him. I need to do something to get his attention. Something to show that he is mine. But what?"

I walk home, thinking of things to get Mark to notice me.

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