Chapter 12: Breaking in

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Jack's (p.o.v.)

It's nighttime, "This is it. This should be Mark's house. Mmm, I can still see lights on in the house, so he is still awake... But, where is Mark?"

After looking around the house, I finally see him. He is on the phone, "Who is he calling?" I hold the wall and clench my fingers around it, "Aw, fuck." I hold my hand, shaking my head, "I shouldn't have punched that wall." I look back to Mark. He's still on his phone.

I wait and keep looking, sighing, "He looks so good. I wish I could go up to him now and kiss him again. It felt amazing. I need him. And I will get him. I make sure of that."

He hangs up, "Good, he hangs up. Where is he going now?"

I look around the house, "It seems to be the basement. Mmm... Well, I see it when I'm with him." I smile at that idea, "When I'm with him... That sounds good." I shake my head, "Don't get distracted. You need to focus."

After a long time passes, "What is he doing there for so long?"

I keep watching him and waiting, "Finally, he was there for like an hour. It looks like he is holding something. I can't see what it is, though." I try my best, but I'm too far away to see what it is, "Mmm, strange... Wait, I'm supposed to just check the area, not watch him. But I rather look at him now... I can check more of the area later."

After some time, Mark puts his coat on, "Is he going away?" I see the garage open up, "Fuck, he is."

I hide behind a wall, so he won't see me. I then hear a car and peek around the corner seeing him leave with his car from the garage, "Fuck... I can't follow him now." I then cheer up, "But I can use this to go closer to the house."

While walking towards the house, I notice an open window, "Oh, he left a window open. That's not very safe of him... Mmm, I can go through it. He isn't home right now anyways." I shake my head, "No, no, no, I can't do that. What if he comes back and sees me?"

Still, I can't stop myself from going closer to the open window, "On the other hand, I can find more information about him here. And if I have to kidnap him, it might be the best option to know his house more..." After thinking about it for a bit, "Fuck it."

I move the window open a bit more and climb through it, "I'm in."

Looking around, I can see a couch, tv, and a dinner table, "I'm in the living room for sure. I can't see anything good though, it's too dark, but I don't think it's a good idea to do the lights on. Mmm, I can use my phone." After I put the flashlight on, "That's better. Now where to go? I don't know how much time I have until he's back, so I need to be quick. Mmm, Let's check out the room he went to as last."

I walk over to it and try to open it, but it won't, "That's strange. Why would he lock this door? Mmm... I can't think of a reason why anyone would... Uhhh, never mind, no time for this now. I better check something else out."

Walking away from the door , I go upstairs and see three doors, "I think I can find more things in his bedroom. Now, which room would that be?"

I open the door on my left, "Nope, bathroom..." Before I turn around, I notice something, "Wait, why does it smell like bleach here?"

I look around the bathroom, trying to see if I can find something. I shrug my shoulders, "He must have just cleaned it or something. But still, bleach seems a bit extreme for that... Eh, whatever."

I close the door and open the door on the other side, "Ah, this is it."

I walk in, "Now, let's see what I can find here."

There is a big bed in the middle with cabinets on either side and a big closet to the right.

I walk over to the window on the other side of the room, "Great, I can see the street here. Then I can see when he comes back."

I walk over to the bed, laying down on it, "I can't wait to sleep here with him." I smile at the thought of that, "And..." I shake my head, smiling about it, "Soon... Soon, I'll make sure of that."

I then get up from the bed and walk over to his closet, "Let's see what I can find here." I look around it and only see clothes, "Only clothing. Mmm, I can take one with me."

I think about it and pick up a black t-shirt, "I don't think he will miss one. And it's not like I will steal it. I will give it back once I'm here again." After thinking about it for a few minutes, I shake my head and lay it back, "No, I can't steal a shirt from him. What if he finds out I have it? Then he knows I broke in by him. I can't let him find out about this."

I notice something else in the closet, I crouch down, taking a closer look at them, "Dumbbells. Of course, he works out." I try to pick one up, "Ow, Fuck that's heavy."

I smile and shake my head, laying it back down again and walk away from the closet, "Let's look..."

Suddenly I hear a car sound and look outside, "Fuck, that's his car. I need to get the fuck out of here."

I make a dash back to the open window, I can feel my heart beating in my throat, "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

I climb through it, and run away from the house as fast as possible.

I hold my chest, trying to calm my breathing, "Fuck... Hopefully he didn't see me."

I peek around the same corner, seeing Mark go inside, "Okay... It doesn't seem like he suspects anything... Fuck..."

I look for longer, but can't see him anymore.

I start walking home, shaking my head, "I need to go home, I can't risk him seeing me."

After arriving home, I slam the door shut, "I'm sure he went to his 'boyfriend' Ugh... I hope not, but I mean there isn't another reason he went away so late. But the good thing is he didn't stay there, so, that's at least a bit of good news."

I shake my head and head towards my bedroom, but before I get there I notice knives in the kitchen, I smile walking over to them, "I need to figure out who he went to." I pick up one of the knifes, "I will kill them if I have to. I know I can get away with it, and it certainly got Mark's attention last time."

I twirl the knife around in my hand, smiling at it.

I suddenly feel my phone buzz. I pick it up and see a text notification from Felix, "Oh, it's just Felix." I lay the knife back and look at the text.

'Still up for drinks tomorrow night?'

"Oh yeah, he asked me to go drinking with him. What do I say... I can't ignore him, but I can't say no. Uh... Fuck... Mmm, It's just for a few hours, I can do that." 'Yeah, of course.'

'Nice, bro. I'll pick you up tomorrow, see you then.'

'See you tomorrow'

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