Chapter 22: Second Job?

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Jack's (p.o.v)

"It feels like it's been forever since I went to Mark's house. Well, went inside at least."

It feels odd walking to the house instead of hiding behind the wall. Odd but good.

I walk to the door and knock on it, waiting for Mark.

After a minute of waiting the door opens, "Hey, Jack. Good to see you here, come on."

I do just that and look around, "I love being here." I look back at Mark, "Because he is here."

"I hope you're hungry, I made us dinner."

"I'm always hungry."

No one's (p.o.v)

During dinner they tell each other about themselves, Mark talks about his engineer education. Jack talks about him moving to England, and that he first lived in Ireland.

Then about hobbies, "Gaming. I love games."

"Same here."

Jack perks up at that, "You play games?"

"Yeah, not as much as I would like though. I work too much for that."

"Ah, understandable. And what else do you do in your free time?"

"Well, Uh... I train a lot."

"I can see that."

Mark chuckles, "Yeah, I mostly am too busy for other things. I should be working right now."

"Yeah, you mentioned something like that yesterday."

Mark picks up the now empty plates and puts them away, "Yep, I really need to finish grading those now, otherwise I'm never going to."

Mark picks up the unfinished test, and Jack sits next to him, leaning against him, and enjoys watching him work.

Mark then gets to Jack's test and after grading it, he quickly puts it away.

Jack sits up, "What did I get?"

Mark sighs, "Uh... You got a D."

Jack looks down, "I'm sorry. I just haven't been able to pay attention to be honest."

"It's okay. Come, let's make it together, okay?"

Jack nods, smiling.

"I'm sure you'll see it's easy."

He explains the tests to him, and a few more things, Jack listens intently.

"I really don't get it." Jack's tone then changes to a little softer, "You know what, maybe I can do something else to get a good grade?"

"Something else?"

Jack giggles, "Uhuh, something special."

He lowers his voice, "Tell me what you have to offer then."

Jack starts blushing, "Well, I can show you." He then sits down on Mark's lap and puts his arms around.

Mark smiles and puts his hands on Jack's waits, "I like where this is going."

They start making out and the slow kisses quickly turn more and more desperate. Jack starts grinding on him, turning Mark on even more.

Mark stops the kiss for a second, "Wanna... Wanna go upstairs?"

Jack nods. Mark stands up and carries him up the stairs, on to the bed.

Quickly after some more kisses, clothes are being taken off, "God, you're beautiful."

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