Chapter 30: Fuck

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The next day, Jack is walking outside in the park, hoping to see Mark,

Jack's (p.o.v)

"This weekend was fun for sure. Not the torture. But Mark and I did get rid of that idiot together. That was nice."

I sit down, looking around, "I want to see him again outside of school, but I know it's difficult with me being his student. We still have to keep it a secret and all, of course. I don't want to get him in trouble with this."

I look around me some more at all the people in the park, hoping to see Mark, "At least I saw him at school, but I didn't even get a chance to talk to him today. I wonder what he would be doing now. Possibly work? Or... Maybe the other work? I wish I liked that. Then I could have helped him more with it."

After being here for a long time and looking around, not seeing anything interesting other than the sun setting, "It's getting too dark to stay here. I need to go home."

I don't get up yet. I look around for a little longer, "Mmm... Guess not today. Let's take the backroads. I don't feel like going the long road again."

??? (p.o.v)

"Great. We found him in the wild and walking all alone in a vulnerable place. Can't have him get in the way of the whole group's safety."

I gesture towards him, "That's him, guys. Go get him and bring him back to the car. I'll take it from there."

"Yes, boss."

I'll walk to my car, keeping an eye on them.

After some struggle between the three men, they catch him and bring him back to my car, pushing him inside.

I'll get in the car and turn to him, "Hey, Jack."

Trying to get out but being blocked by the two guys beside him, he yells at me, "Who are you? What is this?"

I start driving to my house, "It doesn't matter who I am."

"What do you want from me?"

"We learned some things about you, and that's why we need to get rid of you."

Jack's eyes widen, "What? N-no, please don't. Whatever it is, I'm sure..."

"Keep quiet now. We can talk more later. I'm sure you'll understand once we explain it to you."

"No, fuck you. Let me go! Now!"

"Ugh... Shut him up, guys. I don't want to have him yelling constantly."

The other guys stab him with a needle, which knocks him out right away

"I'll call Mark once I'm home. He might not be too happy with this decision right now, but I'm sure he will understand soon enough."

No one's (p.o.v)

"Hey, Mark. I need you to come over."

"Where for?"

"I have someone you might like to see."


"That boyfriend of yours."

Mark now sits right up, a frightened look on his face, and it sure is clear to hear in his voice as well, "W-what do you mean?!"

"We all know he is a student of yours. We can't have that. You know why."

"I'll-I'll be there soon."

Mark gets up and drives as fast as he can toward the boss his house.

Once inside, his boss greets him with a cheery smile, "Hey, good you're here."

They walk to the basement together. Jack is tied to a chair there, desperately trying to get out. Once he sees Mark, he tries to say something but is stopped by the cloth in his mouth.

Mark looks away from Jack and back to his boss, "Why did you want me here?"

He laughs while handing Mark a knife, "Isn't that obvious? I want you to be the one to kill him."

Mark hesitantly holds the knife, "I...I..."

"I know, I know. It would be difficult for you in the beginning, but I think it's for the best if you're the one who kills him."

"Sir, I really don't think it's necessary to do this."

"It really is. He is a student of yours. He only seduced you, don't let him get into your head."

Mark shakes his head, "I... I still can't kill him."

"Well, if you don't kill him. I would have to kill both of you. And I don't want to lose you. You're an important member of our group."

Mark seems to overthink something for a while, before looking up at Jack and tightening his fist around the knife, "I know, boss."

Mark walks over to Jack, holding the knife tightly in his hand. Jack's eyes widen, and he looks up at Mark, desperately trying to say something, but again, without success.

After a minute of him standing still, the boss walks over to him, patting him on the back, "I know this is difficult for you now. But I can assure you that once you have killed him, you'll forget about him within a week."

Mark turns to the boss, the knife still tightly in his hand.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this, boss."

The boss waves him off with a smile, "Don't worry about it, Mark. We all get distracted by a pretty person sometimes. But the group's safety is the most important."

"That's not was I was talking about." He then swiftly stabs him in his stomach. "I was talking about this."

The boss looks up at him, pain in his eyes from the betrayal, trying to push him away, "You... Son of a bitch. After everything I've done for you?!"

Mark ignores him and stabs him again, again, and again. The boss is unable to stop him.

Jack stares at it in shock.

Mark keeps stabbing him till he's entirely bleeding out, letting him drop to the floor, dead.

Mark throws the knife away, turns around to Jack, and starts to untie him, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

Jack is too shocked to respond and just nods.

After Mark fully unties him, he grabs his hand, helping him up, "We're going to my house, and then we leave."

Jack has no time to question what he just said and automatically follows him.

Together they run back to Mark's house.

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