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Angel had to leave her car at the club, the boys had mentioned the fact that Richard and his men could of left a tracker anywhere on her car and having her drive it without checking would of put herself and everyone else's safety at danger. 

So this meant that she had to ride with Awsten. 

For some reason she had expected him to own a fancy and shiny car, the last thing she thought she was going to see was an old Honda that looked like could break if you looked at it the wrong way. 

She had convinced Awsten to stop by her place so that she could grab a couple of things, it was unsettling to watch him go in before her with a knife drawn. 

In her mind, she figured that a knife would be the messiest way to stop someone if needed. She thinks that she would of been more nervous if had a gun in his hands at all times, but there was something off putting about the ease at which he handled his knife. 

She quickly shook the thought out of her brain, there was no use in thinking about or contemplating parts of the man that she was going to have to be around all of the time when she knew that she would never know more about him. 

"It looks like a crayon factory threw up in here." Awsten mumbled under his breath as he walked inside of Angel's apartment. 

Angel genuinely laughed at his comment, shrugging her shoulders as she went into her bedroom. 

"Yeah I think most artists apartments are like this, it's either entirely too much color or none at all." she called to him, grabbing a backpack out of her closet. 

"So much yellow." he said under his breath once she was out of the room completetly. 

Her apartment was her favorite place in the world, she had lived there for three years now and had no plans of ever moving. 

Growing up all she ever wanted was a loft apartment, high ceilings with windows from top to bottom giving in natural light from sun up to sun down, when she was a kid she would wake up as soon as there was even the smallest amount of light outside to soak in as much of the sunshine as she could. 

And now she lived in a place exactly like that, high ceilings with walls of exposed brick that both offset and complimented the various colors she had around her entire place. 

Canvas's adorned the walls, all from different years and different points in her career. 

Not all of them were good, you could see the clear difference in skill level but it was important to her to remind herself of where she came from and the fact that she was improving on a daily basis. 

She thought that sort of thing was important when it came to progress, it was easy to get stuck in a rut but looking to see how far she had come let her know that she was doing something right. 

She had lucked out with this place, she stumbled upon on accident.

There was never a time that she could of pictured herself moving to such a populated city like the one that she lived in now, she grew up in a quiet suburban neighborhood with her parents and brother. 

That's what she figured her life would be like forever, for a little while she considering staying in her hometown. Going to college to get her art degree, and getting a job at a school teaching art sort of like what she was doing now. 

malefaction : awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now