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"LILLY get up " mam shouts
" Iam up" I reply
"Demi is leaveing now" dad said
I could not really care less I mean for all I can get on with demi and have moments with her I just don't understand that girls she is k of them people no matter how hard you try everything's you give to her will get thrown back in you face demi is now 28 and married to nick Jonas but they still have no kids but I suppose I'd feel sorry for any kids of Demi's.
Demi leaves for tour again today she has just had a 3 week brake to celebrate my 12th birthday I don't know why she came I dident ask her to but she demanded to come.
"Bye demi plz forget us while your on tour" I said
"Oh yah love you to LILLY " demi said
"Shut up and go so I can go back to sleep"
"LILLY LOVATO HERE NOW " mam shouted
"What" I said
"Say goodbye to your sister"
"Goodbye my dearest demi" I said " hope u fall down a hole" I mumble
I get the biggest glares so I stop. Maddison is fully in tears her a demi have like a mother daughter bond she hates it when demi leaves. Dallas is to busy with Jacob her little boy I walk over to welcome my little cousin and take him off dallas hands all I see is demi look over with a sad expression but a slight smile on her face as she sees us watching her she stops looking and grabs her cases and walks to the car. I walk to my window in my bedroom with Jacob in my hand Amed I watched as the family said by to my sister and I could not say all the time I wasn't botherd about demi leaveing because it did bother me at times but I just dident show it. I leaned against the window with Jacob laying on my solder I see my sister look up at the window to see me looking she blows us a kiss and just to be nice and show I care I give her a wave that's when her car take off up the drive and we finally lose site of each other.
It hurts me seeing LILLY grow up so fast today when I saw her holding Jacob it reminded me of myself holding my daughter and decided to hand her in my parents hands. I want to tell her Iam her mother but she already hates me what's to say she will just flip as she finds out I know the day will come but that day was long away I guess but who know she looked like me and she noticed that but we could blame it on sister I wanted to have her close to me but I knew I would probably never have that with her but that's something I whated with her.
It's been 2 weeks since demi left and life has set off as normal again. Normal meaning me and maddie back at school and dallas at work again. It wired when demi ant here because there is less fights between me and her I can't fight with dallas or maddison because they are stuck up bitches who I really don't like. Mam gets stressed when there is only us 3 I don't know why she is normal calm when there is 4 but 3 she freeky out even tho dallas is like 30 and has her own house even tho she is round our more night then at hers because her husband rob works nights so mam helps her out with Jacob a lot.
Demi's mail came this morning which is every 2 weeks of her tour she writes everyone a letter and maddies is always the longest then mam and mine is like 3 words no joke today's was different we all sit for breakfirst before school and dad hands us the mail I hate this day of the week because everyone finally forgets about demi leaveing but then when they read the letters everyone is reminded again I never normally open mine I shove them in my locker at school I must have about 100 in there now.
I get given mine like always addressed to lilly lovato I acually don't know why she bothers but this time it looks like I drew the short straw and got the longest letter damm.......
I dident want to read it but maddison and dallas were giving me the stares because I got the longest letter so I open it and drop it on the table and say
"Yeah like always she loves me" I said
"Lilly be more respectful" mam said
"Mam I dident ask for the letter I would of been quite happy without one" I said
" Lilly your attitude stinks your lucky your not out of this house the way your mouth works" dad said
" but you don't understand she is perfect perfect well so am I do u know what I don't give a shit you all dwell over demi see what I care" I said walking out the door to the bus stop to school.
I meet Hannah on the way to the bus stop. Hannah is my best friend we have been since we were 3 her older sister and Dallas are very good friends so we always had play days and shit like that. Hannah can tell when something is up but she knows not to ask anymore because almost everytime it's demi related and she knew the date it was letter day so she did not even ask.
We get to school and I go stright to my locker before first lession of math I take the letter out my bag and put my maths book in I hold the letter for a while and acually think for a minuet what it might say if I did open it the bell goes sining we have to go to class so I stuff the letter in my pocket and run to the math building I get to class 2 minuets late
"Iam sorry mrs Beatle..... Oh sorry where is Mrs beatle" I said
"She is I'll so Iam stepping in Iam miss Enders you are miss lovato I belive" she said
" yeah Iam Lilly..... Wait how do u know me"
" who doesn't your Demi's sister , you are so lucky to have her as your sister" she says fangirling at this point
" trust me it nothing special" I mumble
I walk to take my seat next to Hannah just in front of the teachers desk ' today class we are learning about deciding the number ' she gobbles on all I can think is the stupid letter and what it can say I dident want to get caught up about Demi like this but it happening. Miss Enders sent us some questions to do and as she sat down at her desk I hold the letter in my hand staring at it she looks at us as Iam completly zoned out of the class
"Are you ok Lilly " she ask
"Yeah Iam good " I say still staring at the letter
"Family problems?" She says
" you could say that" I say
" would you like to talk at the end" miss said
"Iam ok " still starring with tears in my eyes
I start answering the question and by the time I have done he first one the bell rings everyone leaves but I just put my head on the desk until miss puts her hand on my solder
" who though a girl with everything so sad, Iam here to talk you know" miss said
"Thanks but it's a long story" I said
"So just tell us what's bothering you" she said then she added "do u know I have a sister just like you same age the lot and if I ever found out she was struggling like this not being able to concentrate in class I'd be conserved"
" are you close to your sister?" I asked
" yeah I would take her in if anything happen to her" " u must be close to demi"
" no the opposite we hate each other but 2 weeks ago she left for tour and just finally forgetting about her I get a letter from her today but mines the longest of all and I don't normally read then but I think there is something pulling me to read this one" I said
She rubbed my back " I read it when your ready and never forget she loves to you so much "
" thanks miss Enders" I pack up my things and rush to English
In English we talk about Romeo and Juliet and I finally get my mind off demi and into messing around at the back of the class acting like Romeo we all end up laughing so hard that I get sent out the class room no one else but me its so unfair till Mr Parkinson talks to me outside.
"Lilly do you understand why u are outside" he say
" no I was haveing fun" I said
" and brake time just went"
" so you should make lesions more fun" I said
"Excuse me" he said
" excuse me fucking excuse you pathetic" I said walking out
I walk to the principals office and I sit out side till Mr bell walks out side his office
"Lilly just who I wanted to see I think we need a word" he Said
" I don't want a word but if we have to go ahead" I said
" Lilly what has gotten into you I need to know your side of the story before your mam gets hear" he said
" what you called my mam wtf Iam dead"
"Lilly" my mam shouts
So I get home from school to find myself grounded and my mam on the phone to what sounded like demi I wasn't aloud out my room or any electronics. I could hear my mam explaining the whole situation to the rest of the family and to demi who was on the phone she had nothing to do with this I was listening throught the floor and I herd demi say ' she dident read the letter did she' I still had the letter in my hand and I remember the talk with miss Enders she told me to read it in my own time she was right maybe now was a bad time. I wanted to read it but I couldn't there was something stoping me. I hear mam come up to my room I get off the floor and sit on my bed and I let her come in she stands in the door way and says "pack up your going with demi" she said
I stop and stare at her " mam you know I can't do that" I said
" and I can't do this anymore lilly you will understand" she said
" demi is waiting now she is collecting you and takeing you on tour with her" she said
" but school"
"Demi can sort it all I can say is you will understand"
I go down with my cases and I stand at the door" ok Iam ready can I have my phone and I pad please mam"
"Iam giving it to demi at the airport she has still decided to ground you" she said
I thought to my self who is demi to ground me she is my sister not my mother I see my mam gathering all my electronics and put then in her bag to give to demi. Dallas comes to say by and gives us a big kiss and cuddle and she whispers in my ear " baby Iam always here I don't know what's going on but I know you will understand more when I see you next I won't just be your sister "
I looked at her confused and Jacob comes running from behind her into my arms he points at my bags and says " Lilly go ? " he said in a cute voice
"Lilly go but not for long baby I'll be back to see you but you be good for mammy" I said
" I be good lilly see demi go " he asked dallas
" yeah baby LILLY see demi" dallas said
He ran to me a brought me a pasta neck less " you give neck less demi" he said
" yes I give this to demi" I held it putting it in my bag
Then maddison came running to me.
"Your so lucky it's unfair why do u get to stay with demi?" Maddison said
" I wish I wasn't but I have to I guess" I said
As I hug maddison mam drags me out the door not saying a word to me I wave by to Jacob and blow kisses and drive to the airport where Iam met by demi with max standing next to her.
"Demi she is all yours" mam said
"Ok I understand...it's time she will come back different I promise " demi said
I dident understand what they were talking about but I dident care my mam handed demi my electronics and demi put then in her bag sighing " I guess these will be gone a long time" demi says
I roll my eyes at her. Then she grabs my arm and says it time to go I pull my arm free and walk throught and crowd of paps next to demi all I see is flashes everywhere and we walk out to the plain. When I take my seat across from demi I look out the window I ask demi for much phone and she says no so I ask if I can use her phone for a while she debates but ends up saying 5 minuets my mam locked all social networks so I just typed my name into Google and the first thing that pops up is LILLY seen in the ari port with her mam , Lilly knows her mam I quickly rad one of the storys
Demi lovato daughter now knows her mam demi lovato who had LILLY when she was 16 is seen walking close to Lilly in the airport is this the mother daughter bond to come after 5 minuets passed demi asked for her phone back I gave her it. After she took it I feel to sleep and woke up but demi shaking me to wake up because we had landed. I get off the plane thinking of the storys in the news and we get on Demi's tour bus out side the airport I choose a bunk and unpack and sit on the bed thinking for a while about the story.
I though it was impossible for her to be my mam so I dident listen to the news because they were just makeing out lies then I remember what dallas said you will come back and I won't be your sister that what she was getting at she would be my auntie of course I shock it out my head not thinking about it when demi popped her head up from the couch.
"Lilly Iam going to the arena now u comeing ?" Demi said
" can I stay here a bit ill meet u over there" I said
" ok half an hour I'll be back to get you" she said
" Iam not a baby I can get there myself" I said
" emm your grounded I have a good mind not to let you off the bus but Iam being nice" she said
"Emm your grounded" I walk of mimicking her voice
"LILLY 1 week extra that's 7 weeks now but the way your going you will be grounded for the hole tour" she said
"Demi your late Ohhh no you best go" I said silastic ly
"Half an hour LILLY that's it" she said before walking out the door
i sit and read up more news storys about me and demis secret life and every post says the same does that mean this is true i start stering into space thinking what is she was my mam? how would i react? i knew i would never the relationship with her and that for all i hate her for if it is true and she has not told me.then i was awomken from my thoughs a max walked through the door.

"lilly" max shouted

"in here" i said

max poped his head round the door and sat on the edge of the bed where i was sat back against the door.

"so your this lilly i hear demi talk about?" he said

"the one only " i said rising my eyebrows

"well nice to meet you kid but we have to go demi is in soundcheck and she wants a word" he said

"lets not keep the queen waiting" i stand up and slip on my shoes

i walk across the car park with max dragging me throught the crowd all i hear is 'are u demis daughter?' i feel like turning back and asking if this is true but with a 6 ft man who has so much strenth pulling you throught a crowd it acually impossibly. we get to the back stage door i walk in and everyone is rushing around more then they are on a night max leades me to demis dressing room where demi is sat throught makeup we both walk in and i sit on the couch max walks behind demi and says "i got her is that everything?"

"thanks max" demi says

with that max leave and i sit on the couch in silence.

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