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The next morning I woke up numb I guess that was the consequences of cry all night. I slept for about 2 hours and the rest of the time was my mam telling me it would be ok but however many time she told me that there was always the worry he was still out there and although he was sorry I could never truly forgive him.
I woke up at 7 am I was lieing to myself that I wasn't tired but I was. When I did wake up i noticed I was by my self in my mams bed. It was unusual for her to ever be up before 9. Just as I was getting lost in my thoughts I Hurd my mams alarm on her phone ring I instently groned and reached over to my mam bedside cabinet and turned it off looking on it for one second seeing all these reminders it was the day we visit my nana after long hard year and a half I cannot say I missed my nana and my aunties and little cousin. I hear the stairs start to creek so I fling the phone back on the table and cuddle back up in the covers so it looks like iam asleep.
" princess you have to get up" she said calmly
" nooooooo go awayyyyyyyy!" I said shoting a pillow in her direction I Hurd her sigh and walk out the door. Finally she got the point 5 minuets later she walked back in and poured a big bucket of cold warter over me instently makeing ME jump. I got up and ran to my bed and jumped into the dry bed.
" Lilly come on" mam pleaded
" no" I stated
" fine, we just won't go and see nana" she said sadly for all I wanted to stay in bed I really wanted to see my family because we live a 2 hour flight away from each other we don't get to see each other as much. I get up and wonder into the shower, the showe is the best place to think I turn on the hot warter and just let it run down my body and think about last nights events. ' your right you were a mistake' was the curling words of my own dad. It make me think I knew I was a mistake I was the biggest mistake two kids could make. The warter starts to go cold so I get out of the shower and dry off and go and dry my hair. Then I dress in my comfortable clothes as I'll be sat on a flight and traveling most today I put on some black jeans with rips at the knees and my mams world tour too that was 10 sizes to big and tired a hair tie at the back to make it skin tight and stick on my nick airs which I got off uncle Nick for my birthday.
"Lilly we need to go max is waiting?" Mam said.
Max was my mams bodyguard she didn't normaly need him but when it came to airports and flighing she knew it was best to have him close if she ever needed him.
" yes just grabbing my bag" I said
" leave it max will collect it" she said
I left my room quickly looking around to see if I had everything. I then started walking down the stairs and out into the car to be joined by my mam 10 seconds later who pulled out my head phones and said " I don't think so" putting her hand out for my phone, she hated how much I was on it so she said I can only have it when I needed it. I sighed and passed it to her and looked out the window and cuddled into my mam on the way to the airport.

Skip to dallas
We finally land at dallas and my mam takes out her phone to text her mam and say we have landed she gets an instant replay saying 'we are in the arrival lounge' my mam grabs my hand as we get off the plane we collect the cases from the plane and then go to the arrival lounge. I could not say I was nervous to see my nana again because this is the first time I will know her as a nana and Jacob he will be 4 now and maddie and dallas will be my aunties I had missed gem for 2 years. I didn't want to walk through that arrival hall and let them see how much I have changed where my behaviour is now to what it was then it was scary. We kept following the signs to the arivil lounge  as we finally get there my mam catches my family and starts wavering and cry all at the same time she lets go of my hand and maddie flighs into her hands "demmmmmmmmmiiiiiii" is all I hear at a loud screaming and while my mam and maddie hugged a kissed 2 years of love I walked over to my now nana she had her arms wide open for me to walk into with dallas standing next to her and Jacob behind her legs hiding he didn't Remeber me all those day and he didn't know who I was. " nana,dallas I missed you so much" I smiled getting wrapped into there hugs.
"Lilllllllllly how are you?" My nana said earning a glare off my mam like she said something wrong.
"Iam good iam good how it being a nana and dallas how it being an auntie" I joked
" I feel old" my nana said. After we had done hugging we got in dallas car back to my Nanas house where we will be staying for 2 days before we have to fligh home because mam has to record more of her album. In the car dallas and nana are in the frount and there is my mam me and maddie in the middle and Jacob in the back with headphone in playing games.i layed on my mam and we stated snuggling together everyone stoped and looked at us and Dallas said " the little girl who hated her sister is now her best friend"
" but things are different now" I said
"Very different " my mam said directing it to my nana. The rest of the car ride was silent well apart from me and my mam singing random songs that came on the radio. As we sing I look out the window remembering all the old streets and town and all the park and the school where I spent most of my time as we pull up the drive to my Nanas house. I rush in and go stright to my room and iam happy to see that everything was as it was before and nothing was gone and it still smelled of my old Harry styles perfume. After 5 minuets of remembering the things I had at old house dallas walks in and sits on the bed.
" so LILLY how is everything?" She said
" perfect" lie "everything is good" lie I was forgetting that my dad hit me and called me a mistake.
" you sure, you haven't ruled of demis head yet" she laughed
" no she is acually the best person in my life right now, but why did you not tell me?" Just before she could answer there was a prodding of feet.
" mammy! Demi take me ice cream" Jacob mumbeled realising I was in the room.
" ok you can get a small ice cream, Jacob do you remember LILLY?" She said
I Sat there smiling while he looked at me trying to remember who I was " yes, my cousin" he said
" good boy, you run for ice cream I'll have this conversation ok" dallas said giveing him a kiss and cuddle.
" so you need to explane" I said starting to tear up again
" orrr yeah emmm" ding her phone when off I peeped over and I say demis name it was a text ' ask LILLY if she wants to come for ice cream or I shall I bring her one home' I replied to dallas and said " tell her I don't want any" she typed it in and then my phone buzzed mammy 💖💖💖💖❤️ 'ok love you baby boo, iam leaveing My phone on charge but you will be fine" I left it at that and looked up at dallas giveing her the face to continue.
" you were to young I could not risk to see you get hurt, she was so stupid but she thought she could handle you nana took over you because it was for your best she told me I had to be a sister figure to you so I did that and it killed me very time you said mam I knew because of demi our family was liveig one big lie and I though you finding out would lead everyone away from each other but you reacted well why?" Dallas said
" I met my dad the day I found out demi was my mam wilmer I had a click with him and I guess he just lied to me ---" I stop when my nana burst in the room with an angry expression on her face. She walked in a closed the door she had mams phone in her hand I knew I could guess what this would be about and I was right.
" what is this?" She showed me the phone showing a message from wilmer ' demi you know I never ment to hit her she was acting like a brat please you can't stop me from seeing her' the events all came flooding back to me.
" I don't want you to know because I know it will cause arguments" I said
" if you don't tell me I'll have to find out my self and that will cause more problems for you" she said getting angry
I stay quite and look at my hands that was the only way of not crying.
" fine be the bitch you always were ill find out myself" she said again my own nana calling me a bitch I just wanted my mam I just wanted her arms and to tell her iam safe.
She got up to walk up out the room pulling dallas with her. Before the door closed fully I screamed at the top of my lungs " he hit me he hit me now will you leave me alone don't you think I know iam a mistake already" I cryed the door started to open again and there stood with shocked faces were my nana and Dallas they tryed to come in to give me a cuddle and comfort me but I ran passed both of them and ran into the guest room where my mam is staying and where all her clothes are I grabbed one of her hoodies and brough it close to me just smelling her perfume sent me into tears I want her back now I need her hear dallas was going crazy knocking on the door and my nana was crying the bathroom. I layed on the bed emotionless not being able to cry I just cuddled up to my mams hoodie.

I must of fell asleep because I woke up to my mam bursting into my room looking pisse I instently moved into her arms and she hugged me back and her mood was normal again. We sat there for 1 hour not saying a word just enjoying each other's embrace.
" what did she say?" She said instently going pissed again.
" she she found your phone and a text form wilmer she read it and asked what happend and at first I said I don't want you to know but she said if I don't then she will find wilmer herself and ask him then she called me a bitch so out of so much anger I shouted at her and said he hit me and she tryed to hug me but I ran in herer I needed you mamy." I cryed into her solder
" pack up LILLY were going home iam not staying here" she said
" what but we only just got here" I said
Iam not haveing you around that monster you slept through world war 3 we won't be visiting no more my mam said sternly.

After half an hour I was ready to go home and my mam was waiting in the car. I left the house banging the door to make sure they all knew I was gone I felt guilty leaveing without saying bye to Jacob and maddie and Dallas but I guess they made no effort eather.
Max started driving back to the airport while me and mam cuddled in the back seat. Driving away things started to true so real it felt so un true the could be the last time I ever see my nana and my aunties mam wanted nothing else to do with them I had lost them forever and my dad now I guess it is me and mam against the world and no one can stop that.

Bit of a shity update but I hope you get where the story is going
Next chapter tomorrow
Will demi live without her family?
How will I cope going back to school with falling grades?
What happens when wilmer wants to see me again?

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