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Still sat in the restaurant. Still with guilty faces why was my mam so supid wasn't it enought to see izzy lose her mam a few weeks ago then the next week see her dad with someone else that got to be hard for her. It's hard for me because even tho I hate my dad still don't mean I want him replacing that was something I never wanted.

"DAD" izzy screamed through the restaurant
They both stoped and starred with guilty faces and Nick had his head in his hands.
"Izzy iam sorry" Nick pleaded
" let's not here why don't we go back to mine" my mam said
We all agreed and walk to the car park I got in the car with my mam and izzy got I the car with her dad. The car ride was silent all was Hurd was my mam sighing at every stop light I looked out the back window Nick was behind and I think izzy was giving him a hard time he was all red in the face and I could hear the shouts.
We pulled up in the drive my mam turn to the back seat and said " so is this me and you enmimes now"
I sighed and rolled my eyes letting my self out the car. And in a range of anger my mam hit the wheel full force makeing the horn beep Nick ran over to the car and helped her out and I ran over to meet izzy we were walking round to the garden when Nick shouted " you and you table now" we sighed and turned in our tracks for all I didn't wanna have this conversation I wanted to know how they feel and was I just being the bitch.

Me and izzy walk in and sit on the right side of the table. We wait for a minuet then my mam and Nick walk in and sit on the left side. My mam looked at me with disappointment in her eyes and izzy looked at Nick with anger in hers. No one spoke for a while everyone was there hands.
First person to speek was Nick and it looked like even he was struggling.
" girls what you saw was nothing it ment nothing it was friendly"
My mam instently ran out the room. Nick ran grabed her arm and said talk it out my mam sat down and tryed to Speek "I thought it ment something Nick you told me how you feel and now your telling me it's nothing"
"Dad it was something you ment it ino, how could you? Have you forgotten what's happend the last few week I lost my mam throught years of painful cancer and your already replaced her iam not ready for this and I don't you are but if you wanna lose me your going the right way you made me nove always from where my mam dide you just pulled us away and I didn't wanna go it hurt to leave to just say goodbye and now iam sat on the edge of a relationship with the man who I call dad I could say I hate you it probly be true" izzy said shouting at the end
" demi iam sorry it ment something iam scared, I never forgot about Anna izzy she will be you mam forever don't you think it's hard enough for me to sleep throught the night knowing I let go to early it hurts it dose I watch her all them year but I moveing on you can't tell me not to love a girl I love she might not replace your mam but she will do a bloody good job if she ever did" Nick stated
" I HATE YOU I HATE HER AND YOU WILL NEVER RELPACE MY MAM" izzy said screaming and running up stairs to my room with a slam of the door.
"Nick will never be anything else then a father fiver in your life better the your own" my mam said
"Why do you think I automatically need a father figure I hated my last one and your just wanting me to get hurt again you can't go out with my best friends dad I won't let you." I said to my mam and I got up from the table and walked out he house I didn't think of going back I didn't want to my mam was being stupid and she was taking it out on me for it.
It's 3 days till my birthday so I have 3 days to run away as far as I can. My phone buzzed and called and rang but I ignored it it would only be my mam and keeped running and running until I didn't know where I was I'd been gone about 3 hours and I had never been this far before without my mam and I didn't know the way home I took out my phone unlocking my lock scream of me and my mam cuddling I had
23 calls from mam
49 messages from mam
12 calls from izzy
2 texts from izzy
33 callas from Nick
And 67 messages from dad
I decided to ring my mam I was still so pissed but that was something I'd have to live with if my mam and Nick were a thing. My mam picked up after 3 rings.
D- demi
L- lilly

D-LILLY omg where are you are you safe?
L- mam I need you I don't know where I am
D- is there anything around you or street signs
L- emmm there is a Walmart but not the one we normaly go to there is a sign saying now leaveing la mam I think iam on the edge of town
D-I'll be there soon stay there and keep your phone on

As soon as I finished on the phone to my mam I curled up on the curb and waited for her it seamed like forever but when she arrived I jumped into the car and into her arms I missed her and I was sorry for kicking off and I was ready to accept that if she loved Nick then who was I to stop that I should be the one to support her and be nice about her decision and now thinking about it like that I think I am. Ready to add Nick to our family because he will probably be a much better person then my dad ever was and I knew that because of izzy. Izzy was always jellous how demi was my mam she always wanted her to be apart of her family but I guess that was when we were little.
We go up the drive and Nick and izzy are sat on the couch and as soon as I walk trought the door izzy gets up from the couch and comes and cuddles me and says " never do that again" I smiled and said " I won't" as soon as izzy let go I walked into the kitchen where my mam and Nick had gone my mam had her head in nicks chest " mam iam sorry i don't want to be the bratty on no more iam ok if your happy" I said twiddling my thumbs and then izzy ran I a held my hand " so am I, but you will never take away my mam" she stated my mam walked over and hugged us both " I love you too" I knew rig then I had made her happy and that's all the matters. Izzy was ok with my mam takeing over her mother figure and I was ok with Nick takeing over my father figure if he to and it made my mam happy.
The next few weeks things stared my mam and Nick were not dating but close and me and izzy were fine with that we got to be together a lot more it was less time with my mam but that was ok because now every hug ment more then they did before.

Enough drama or not!!!!,!
There will be more bettween izzy and LILLY and demi and Nick but iam going to make then a couple in the next one and then see what drama comes out of that

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