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Once my mam lest the house grew quite. I could hear the soft sobs of izzy in her room and even tho I wanted nothing to do with her I still have that horrible feeling that once over I would do any for her if she was upset we would sit and watching movies and plan our dream weddings. Like have u fell out with your best friend? And you see them in the hall or on the streets and the cry or there sad you automatically feel like you have to walk over and just give them that shoulder to cry on thats how I fell right  now.

I walked to the kitchen and started to make 2 green teas and put a pack of digestive on the tray I figured out if I was going to talk to izzy at all then I probably need my tea just to stay stain. Once I had made the tea I took a deep breath and carried the tray up the stairs. I stoped once I got to her door and mam had always taught me to knock first before entering so I did just that on the 2 nd knock she answerd.
" go away!!!!!!! Not in the mood" izzy screamed
" izzy it's me, I just want to know if your ok?" I said leaning against the door
" I wish people will stop asking if iam ok I'll never be ok" izzy said harshly
" izz please I know me and you ant on the same page right now but I have tea and biscuits we can sit and talk or I'll have them to myself" I said trying to create a joke.
I knew she could not resist the tea the door lock u clicked and I walked in to see the room a mess and izzy crumbled under the bed covers with red puffy eyes.
"Here" I passed izzy the tea and I held mine and took a sip
" have you come here to laugh ! " izzy said snarkly
"No I came to see if you ok " I said
" did I not just tell you I'll never be ok"
" izzy I thought we were friends" I cryed
"LILLY we lost that I can't tell you I just can't " right then she completely broken down infrount of me it was hard to watch because seeing her like that reminded me of my mam when she turned like that and how much I hated it seeing her everyday laying there still full of life but just blocking everyone out. I pulled izzy close to  she needs people right now and she need love and constant care and If it ment she would not complete brake on me I was willing to help her.

After half and hour of non stop crying she stoped looked at me and looked back down at her hands again.
"You know when my mam first got cancer I thought she would acually be ok like for once I thought she was stong enough to fight it but when she started loseing her hair and her voice I realised she was going and that was the hardest thing for me to take in knowing that in a few months time it would just be me and my dad and it always scared me because I knew that dad need mam just to live when she dide he didn't wake up on a morning he stayed in bed all day he didn't even Speek to me it was like I was alone, but life Changed your mam walked into my dads life she helped a lot she told my dad to buckle up because is he didn't he would lose me to and my dad loveing your mam is the best thing it just I can't accept your mam as a mother figure it to hard" izzy cryed
" I remember the day you said she lost her first lock of hair and the day she lost her voice completely, she was a strong person just not strong enough to lose the battle. When I found out demi was my mam and not my sister I felt that way to I could ever accept my sister as my mother but I learn and it was wired but some thing happen for a reason and I found out that my mam was one of the best things that happend to me I got to met my dad even thought I hate him but we all have to strong and if that means me and you sticking together just a bit longer I think we should try" I said rubbing her back
"Lilly I miss us" izzy said calming down

After hugging it out for about an hour we both start to fall to sleep an it it long till iam wrapped up in dreamed with my best friend sleeping next to me like iam use to. We were asleep about half an hour and I Hurd the door to IZZYS roo go it was my mam she walked in and kissed my head and rubbed izzys back she the rooked us in and walked out whispering I love you baby girl it caused me to smile because now I knew she was proud of me for makeing back up with izzy.

After wriggling to try and get comfortable agai and once I had done that I fell stright back  to sleep  and this time it was so deep but it was one were I could have a smile on my face and not worry about a thing knowing I hadmy best friend and my mam and family and even Nick he was big help it was nice to just sit back and see my family evolve right in frount of my eyes

❤️🙋 I always endup makeing it so sad sorry but I had to also I will be writing every night now we'll try!!!!!! Love you all ❤️🙋

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