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The next few weeks passed and things between me and izzy got no better it had got to the point where if we are in the same room for 5 minuets I feel the urge to kill her and it always ends in a fight. If it wasn't for my mam I would not be holding back as much as I would if her dad did not mean so much to my dad.

Nick was leaveing to shoot in Canada today he would be away for the week and he was leaveing izzy in Demi's care which ment I had to share my mam with a girl I hated to the bone.
"Izzy iam going " Nick shouts through the house.
"Bye daddy" she runs into his arms while me and my mam are stood next to each other in the kitchen.
"Be good for demi no playing up" he warned
She nodded he walked over to my mam and kissed her and brough her into the massive hug.
" I love you baby so much one move out of place with that one call me" he said
" got it, love you to be safe" my mam said back.

With that he got called out the door by his driver, it was going to be wired without him around like normaly. He was the rock that held us all together and now it up to us to keep it true for the week.
Izzy ran state to her room after her dad left and I sat on the couch lazily watching Orange is the new black when my mam walks in and cuddles into me.
" did you clean your room, maddies comeing to stay and she has to stay in your room" my mam said
Great maddie was Comeing this was the time I got push out and maddie got all my mams love and attention even thought deep down I knew my mam loved me more she still acted like maddison was her kid when she is around.
" em I did" I said
" good thanks baby, guess this grounding thing is good for you" my mam said and I sighed.

After watching TV for a bit izzy came bouncing down the stairs my mam had got up about 10 minuets ago and when to her office to finish writing. Tryed not to look at her as she bopped down the stairs but it was very hard not to. She jumped from the third step and ran into the kitchen probly grabbing he pop tarts out the cubord putting it in the toster then walked towards my mams office.
"Hey demi" she said
" hey sweetie is everything ok?" My mam asked
" yeah it's fine thanks, em has dad called you yet" she said getting sad
" no sorry chick but when he does you will be first to know" my mam said smiling and grabbing her in a hug.
" thanks" izzy said skipping off into my direction.

She jumped onto the couch over from me and sarted clicking. She was like a 5 year old who wanted to go to the park ur never got there. I give her the muskets look and turned back to the TV.
"Lilly, lilly,lilly" she sung
"Shut up shut up" I sung back
" ohhhh" she shook the seat
" look just because your dad left because he needed a brake does not mean you can play around with my mam that's not how it works" I said to her
" wait but your dad ant here eather and when was the lest time he seen you" she sniggers
" when did you last see your mam oh sh----"  I said as my mam was stood at the door I looked over she was pissed like ever.
" finish your sentence" my mam shouted
" no" I hung my head in shame
" great that's 2 extra months grounded, I'd be careful because my tour starts in 5 months 1 more extra month there you not on tour" my mam said carmly.
I walked off in rage it was annoying getting held in for izzy shit I did nothing she started it and it was hardly my fault I just let my anger get the best of me again.

I walked off to my room and connected my phone to my speeker and started blasting little mix that was the only thing I could ever calm down to as the music played I layed on the bed and didn't cry but looked emotionless I was far to frisking tired and needed to sleep but memories izzy was right my dad hated me and I'd do anything to have my dad I my life but for giveing him was never and opion I was ready for.

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