chapter 1

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Yeji is starring on the table theres a lot of papers placed on the table electric bills,water bills,and her apartment bills and the question is, where the hell in the world she will get the money to pay for it?

Plus her mom is in the hospital and she's not in good condition hospital bills get bigger and bigger as the day goes by

"Fuck!im so stressed!im so fucked up!"she said and pull her hair in so much frustrations

"mom?,whats wrong?"her son ask

Oh its her and felix son. after being pregnant by felix son she didn't see felix anymore so she raise her son by herself, there's a doubt that she didnt finish her studies first before flirting to a man who's interested only for her body and now she cant get a right job.

"its nothing Nyx, your mom is just a little bit tired. how's school?"she ask nyx walk near her and climb on her lap

"it was fine mom, i have a g,ood day. but mom?,can i ask you something?"her son ask

"yes?, anything nyx?"she ask and caress her sons hair

"uhm...answer me honestly mom, i deserve an honest answer. mom?wheres my dad?, where is he?"nyx ask this is the problem of having a mature son....

"uhm...your dad leave me. after sharing that one night. i dont know where is he, he left me with a money in my bed leaving a letter saying that he dont love me. and he only needs me to satisfy his needs. "she said

Nyx is 8 year old kid but the way he gritted his teeth clenching his jaw closing his fist tight makes her shock as a mother she didnt know that her son is this matured enough.

"i can't believe it. I'm a son of a fucker!"nyx cursed she's shock

"nyx!,watch your words!"she said, nyx go down on her lap and look at her.

"im sorry mom, but i hate the fact that my father is a
Jerk. how dare him to treat you like that?mom."her son said she hug her son and kiss its forehead

"you are way too young to understand the situation.But thank god, you're mature enough to handle this. "she said and smile her son giggle and hug her

"we don't need him mom.we don't need someone like him in this life. we survive already in our fast few years. we're better without him"her son said

Then karina enter her house
"Yeji, Nyx!!!"karina said, nyx run to her auntie rina and hug her

"Hi auntie Rina. how's your day?, what brings you here?"nyx ask break the hug "oh have a sit aunt, mom is inside" nyx said she came out from the kitchen and karina smile at her karina is a secretary at their classmates company Winter's Company to be exact. Winter is one of the most sucessful on their batch.

"Rina, how are you?, you're too busy huh?"she asked and sit beside her

"Yep! I'm busy!, hey look stress. what happened?"rina asks

"uhm...nyx son?, can you leave us alone for a while?"i ask nyx nod her head and kiss rina's cheeks and kiss my cheeks too before leaving.

"so what happen to the campus crush huh?"rina ask and look at yeji "I told you already that fucking felix will ruin your life." karina said since and then karina hate felix so much aside of being 101% confirmed gay, she have that negative feeling towards felix and you know what?she's right felix ruined her life

"yahh!, enough of that...that happens already i cant take it back anymore. " i said and playfully roll my eye

"that felix is a fvcking play boy. he's annoying "karina said "i swear if i see him again?, im going to kick his balls, and punch his face to make him regret what he did to you. "karina said in so much annoyance.

Yeji laugh at karina's word she look so disgusted

"i appreciate you karina, but its over now. I realize my mistakes very late, but having nyx as my son is a blessing. " she said and smile weakly.

"you look tired." karina said

"Yeah, I mom's hospital bills, gets bigger and bigger, her condition got worse. And here's my electric bills, water bills and apartment bilss, how will i pay these?, this drains my sanity."she said karina hugged her.

"I'm sorry yeji, I cant help you with these. I tried to speak with winter, but you know for 100 times she avoided talking to me alone. she's distancing herself to me...i can't asked for advance pay for my job. im sorry yeji." kairna said she shook her head and chuckle

"No worry rina,i can handle this. I think winter is inlove with you." she said well thats way too obvious in winter's action karina roll her eyes


"Your theories yeji." kat said, she laugh "btw do you remember This girl Named Ryujin Kim?, your admirer way back in Collage?" karina said i nod my head

"that nerd?i remember her ofcourse." i said"why?"

"I heard winter talking to her in the phone...and she's in new zealand now managing her own company." karina said well im surprised, who knows that the nerd when i was in collage are now handling her own company

"well she deserves that, she's very good at studying." i said

"and not just that. I heard once when heejin jeon came in winter's office. I heard that ryujin now is like winter a damn girl collector." karina said and roll her eyes

"oh...maybe she's looking more attractive now than before."i said again "so whats the point karina?" i ask

"nothing, im sure someone will regret her decision choosing fucking felix over ryujin." karina said sarcastically i smacked her arm

"I'm not gonna regret it. no matter what happen I'm not gonna fall for her i swear"i said

"Never?"karina asked

"NEVER EVER"vi said

"okay², If you say so." karina said and laugh "I gotta go, Winter told me to go in her house. that idiot after pushing me away now she's inviting me in her house...crazy." she said i laugh she instantly stood up

"nyx, your aunt karina is leaving come here." i said nyx ran out from her room and bow in front of karina

"goodbye auntie karina, see you soon please come back again." nyx said, karina nods and handed a money to nyx.

"buy what you want little kid. that's what you get for being a good son to your mom." karina said and hug nyx then hug me and leave

Nyx give me the money
"mom buy our needs use this..." he said and go back to his room i smile with a lone tear fell from my eye...

Im so lucky to my son...


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