Chapter Ten

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Ryujin is now sitting in the couch with nyx waiting for yeji to come out in the dressing room

They are now fitting gown and suit for the upcoming wedding ryujin and nyx already choose their suit for the wedding now its time for yeji to choose hers

It may a simple wedding but ryujin wants to make yeji feel special on that day by wearing the most elegant gown she dont care if its worth 1m or 5m or more the important is yeji's happiness

Then the curtain of the fitting room slowly opened and ryujins jaw dropped when she saw yeji in a very elegant gown her milky skin that make her stun out her curves that are perfectly exposed

"Do i look good?"yeji ask while looking at her with a little shy on her face

She smile and stood up and nods

"Perfect"she uttured and walk near yeji and tuck some of the strand of yeji's hair behind thr brunettes ear the she look at her from head to toe

"they were asking me why i cant give my heart to others...and now i know why..".

"In an Endless Garden Of Flowers Yeji..I will always pick you"ryujin ssid before placing her lips into yeji's lips then they look at nyx

"hey baby..your mom looks pretty right?"she ask nyx the kid nod

"yes the most pretty woman ive ever seen"nyx said and smile she look at yeji once again

"dont..dont melting"yeji said her cheeks are tinted by red

For the first time ryujin finally make her sugar baby blush just by starring at her

"I cant get enought by this sight..oh look good today in this dress im wondering in our wedding...i might faint"she stated yeji chuckle and smack her arms

"too much compliment ryujin"she said the latter smiled

"we're gonna get this style....ill leave the adress later and please deliver it on time"ryujin said to the staff

"hmm....i see ryujin kim"bang chan suddenly speaks she look at bang chan and hugged him

"chan!long time no see"she said the man laugh

"yeah.."chan ssid

"what are you doing here?"she ask

"this is my best friend shop so im just here to buy my toxido for my upcoming wedding"chan said ryujin eye widen in shock

"WHATTTT!!!HOLD UP,HOLD UP!You're getting married?who is your future wi--"chan cuts her off

"husband..its husband"chan stated while laughing..

"wow..You're gay"she said in amusement

" straight before but this man comes in and just start messing everything up"the latter said and chuckle

"what is his name?"

"Lee Yong Bok"bang chan said she nods her gead"the wedding will be held in Australlia but ofcourse i love korea thats why i want my suit to be made here"chan said and chuckle she nods

"i wish i can attend it too..but im too busy.."she said  then yeji wrap her arms around ryujin's waist

" to introduce me to your girl ryu?"chan said while looking at yeji

"Oh..yeah..Hwang future wife"ryujin said and kiss yeji's temple then ryujin carry nyx and lifted up

"This kid is nyx my son"

"oh..well hello im Bang Chan..ryujin's unwanted best friend"the latter said she laugh and smacked the latters arm

" yeji"yeji said and wAve her hands

"I gotta go..nice meeting you again ryujin"chan said and leave

She and yeji with nyx leave too they go in ryujin's restaurant and have they first dinner date

Afrer that they go home nyx fell asleep already she and yeji left in the couch alone starring at each others face

When ryujin tried to stood up yeji stops her

"wait..stay..i want to remember every inch of you face...i want that face of yours rent free in my mind"the brunette stated she chuckle and wrap her arms aroung yeji's face

"we flirt all the time and smile and laugh but how am i supposed to know if this is real?i can't control my feelings for you anymore yeddeong-ah."she said and caress the olders cheeks with her thumb

"it's so hard being around you and not saying all the things i want you to trying my best to act casual but...all i can seem to do is get mesmorized in your eyes Hwang"she said and press their lips together

"are you guys done flirting?"suddenly Seulgi's voice echoed when she look on the back of the couch she saw seulgi sitting in the floor with her hoodies and pajamas what this old woman doing here?

"what the hell?why are you here?"she ask

"Bae kick me out in the house"the latter said and back to sleep in cushion bed she  chuckle as the latter curled like a fetus

" can sleep now in tthe room we'll buy a ring going to talk to this woman"she said and kiss yeji's temple the woman nods and peck kiss her lips and leave

She sat beside seulgi and smacked the latters arm

"What did you do this time?"she ask while laughing

"i accidentally kissed yeri.."seulgi said she smacked the  olders arm

"Hell...what happen?"she ask

"the staff in the studio push me and accidentally my lips touches yeri's lips"the girl said while groping her hair tight

"what are you doing in studio?"she ask

"hello?my wife is a soloist artist duzh"she said

"and you're with yeri?"she ask again

"no!since yeri and i have fast she wan't some closure.."seulgi said she laugh and tapped the olders shoulder

"And why are you here?"she ask again..

"Byul kick me out too she want to spend the night with solar since their son is in her grandma's house.."seulgi said she chuckle

"have a nice sleep then"she said and hug the older before leaving and heading into her room then she saw yeji sleeping she lean down and kiss the woman's forehead

" future mrs kim...i love you"she said and lay beside her fiance and play with the older's hair until she fell asleep


AL:how are you?

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