Chapter 4

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After oneweek

YEJI POint of view

Im here at my house and sitting in the couch when my phone ring when i look at the caller I.D its unknown number she answer the call

[<On The Phone>]

"Hello?who's this?"

[did winter forget to tell you that im calling within this week?]

"are you the one who gave me 100,000 to pay my bills?"

[yes i me in this adress and i'll tell you who i am and i'll solve all of your problems]

"who are you?just give me a nickname"

[just simply RJ....]


[yes..i know you've got a clue about that name so if you wanna see me.come here in the restaurant I'll be waiting for you]

Then the caller hang up the call

[<End of On The Phone>]

I threw the phone in the couch and change my clothes fast then i fix myself i wanna see her...

I wanna see rj...

When im all set i lock the door and leave

After a minute i reach the restaurant that rj told me i go inside

I feel a little embarassed because of my clothes that i buy in thrift store since thats all i can buy

Then i walk near to the one crew of the resto

"hello"i greet the woman smiled at me

"Buenas noches madam how may i help you?"the woman ask me

"is there any reservation under Rj's name?"i ask the woman smiled at me

"Rj?yes of course madame moiselle she's in the V.I.P room"the crew replied"what is your name again?"the girl asked me in a good manner

"Yeji....Yeji hwang"i reply the girl eye widen in shock

"madame it was you follow me madam"the girl said and walk first i gladly follow her and when she stop in a one private room she knocks
"Ms.Kim the woman that you've been waiting for is here already"the crew uttured

"okay please come in"the girl replied the voice was familliar but i forget where i heard it the crew open the door

"Please Come in Madame"i nod and enter the room i was surprised in the place it was like a romantic date then my eyes settled to the handsome girl who's wearing white polo that folded below on her elbow
And two buttons open she smiled at me and i remember that face

Theres a lot of changes but i won't forget her face"Ryujin...."i uttured the girl smiled and pulled out a chair for me

"Have a sit ms hwang"she said i nod and sat in the chair"Thrift store fashion i see"she said

"thats all i can buy"i reply

"no worry you look good"ryu said and put a wine in my glass and sge sat in front of me "it's been a year yet you still look good"she said

"i look stressed"i reply not looking on her eyes

"hey look at me i would love to met your gaze"she said i look at her and she smiled at me

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