Chapter twenty eight-Chances

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After that night yuna, lia and i decided to continue the wedding to do some act.

We already choose the venue, gowns and rings but guess who choose the wedding gown, ring and even the venue? Yes,its yuna she choose wisely

Yuna really wants to marry lia...

After that i told them that im going somewhere

And guess where?Of course to my light fury

I drive into flower shop and buy some good flowers and buy an ice tea

You know in case she's mad maybe ice tea can help to calm her down...

I arrive at the gate i saw nyx playing with hyunjin's dog and then he saw me

"Ahh!!!DADA!!" He shout and ran to me

"wheres your mom?"i asks

"inside grandma and tito hyun is not here" he said i smirk

"baby, can you stay here in the garden? Ill take back your mom now" i said he widen his eye and nods

"good luck dada" he said i smile and enter the house i saw yeji in the kitchen cooking i place the flower in the kitchen counter and the ice tea too

I walk carefully near her

"Nyx... Wipe your sw--" i back hug her and rest my chin on her shoulders"ry-ryujin..."

"Can you wipe my sweats for me? And can you also wipe my tears and put a smile on my lips again?" i asks she tried to push me but im more strong than her "Dont... Yeji... I miss you" i mumble she take a slight look at me and sigh

"Ryujin you have a fiancé dont do this" she said in a begging tone

"Fiancé who?Lia? Yeddeong... Lia and yuna are in a secret relationship..." i said she turn around i corner her in my arms she look at my eye

"what!? But lia is your fiancé" she said i nods

"but chances are on our side yeddeong... Lia fall in love for my sister..."i said and tuck her hair behind her ear " and they're in a good terms now" i said again and caress her cheeks a tear fell from her eyes i wipe those tears

And lean a little and kiss her eyes down to her cheeks and at last capture her sweet, strawberry flavored lips

I pulled out and stare at her eyes
"I hurt you, you hurt me too... But i want to set my pride aside give me one another chance..." i said she "Chances are on our side now baby, just give me time to make things up to you, in this moment i can do better than i did before... I love you still yeji...
My lips still can taste the sweet flavor of your name, the heart exploding feeling when my lips touches yours... Every part of  me dissolves into you yeji..." i said and cupped her face the latter seems in a process

"What takes you so long to come back to me..." she mumble and punch my chest many times before burrying her face on it i comb her hair softly

"I'm Sorry for hurting you, I Never wanted you to feel bad in anyway it was childish of me ryujin, i never expect you to forgive me but i wont lie im still praying everynight for you to come back to me" she said kiss the top of her head softly

"Maybe our past was meant to be damn broken. so that when we met we will fit together so perfectly that nothing would able to break us again" i said "We both went through a lot of obstacles  maybe not together but our hearts remain fighting for each other. i miss the smile that i see on your face everyday that was your smile that give me feelings that i cant describe" i mumble she look up at me and make our lips press into sweet and tensioned kiss

No one wants to break or to cut we have our small little world

Damn those butterflies are alive again

I grab her waist and press her body closer to mine i miss this warm i miss her...

"Yuck!! Dada, mommy go get your room" nyx said and cover his eyes we pulled out in a kiss i laugh

"i told you not to enter the house right?" i said

"is being thirsty is a sin dada?" he asks me damn, he's slowly becoming like yeji i sigh

"come here i buy some ice tea" i said and give them the ice tea, i wrap my arm on her waist and slowly swaying

" you guys are good now?" nyx asks us we look at each other and smile and slowly nods

"Fragile persons... Your defenses are easy to breaks" he said and roll his eye"i will play with uncle hyun's dogs okay?bye bye" he said and head out

I lift yeji up and make her seat in the kitchen counter

"You are the person that i will never stop looking for in a crowded place" i said and kiss her forehead

"Why me? Why do you love me this much Kim Ryujin?" she asks me...

"I love you without knowing if for every reason i give there are hundred more  that will remain hidden in mystery... but i do know this...

You are the only one who had the answer of the question of my soul"  i said

I know nobody's perfect,my logical mind knows this,but when i think of the things that are not flawed, I always think of you hwang yeji

She's crying again

"why are you crying again? Aish baby..." i mumble and wipe her tears and kiss her eyes many times

"This is tears of joy dumbass" she said and smack my chest

"I love you kim ryujin... That is something that never change it became stronger when i lost you... On the day that you leave me thats is the day i died... And when the news came out that you and lia are engage thats is the day i dissapear" she said ang hug me

"im ready to face the truth that you will never be mine again but

I will always love you, even from a distance even in the arms of someone else"

She said i chuckle and lift her chin

"Do you think i will let the chances to be on my unnie jennie's side forever? No, baby... This is our life, our love story i will do everything for us, And now the chances is on our side we will do make things better... Baby wait for me hmm?i will fix things first before completely being with you again...i miss cuddling with you for now we cant just be together yet... But soon enough baby..." i said and for the fourth time i crash our lips together

I'm melting her hand was on my head pulling me closer deepened the kiss

My heart explodes in the mix of unexplainable happiness i love her... So much

"We still have 2 hours baby enough for us to cuddle" i said im too busy she smiled and grab my wrist and pull me on her room push me in the bed and sat on my stomach and lay her head on my chest hearing my loud heart beat

" I can love you forever you know ryujin" she said i chuckle

"im yours... Forever hwang... Im yours"


Hey i can't believe it😭

3k reads😭😭😭

Thank you so much kahit walang jowa nandyan naman kayo para pasayahin ako shems..

*cries* oh my god thank you* hugs the readers* thank you❤❤❤

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