chapter nineteen-Blame

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Winter arrives in the hospital she's with Yuna and Yeji's mom

Then the doctor came out

"Mrs. Yeji is now stable but sadly we didn't save the baby and Mrs. Kim Ryuji is still in critical condition, it may take 2 days or more before she woke up," the doctor said everyone went silent with the news

The baby is dead...

"yeji is now awake you can go into her room," the doctor said they all nod

"Hot about Ryuji?" Winter asks the doctor

"So far we can't let you visit her... Until she woke up if she didn't show signs of consciousness you can't visit her it will be not safe for her" the doctor said they all feel like their world falls down

A big chance that ryujin might die at any minute now they head in first to Yeji's room the woman is awake and already crying

"Hi, baby," yeji's mom uttered and stroked her hair

"Mom...the baby..." Yeji mumbled so she knows.

"I'm sorry yeji..." Her mom said

"No, no it's not your fault it's no one...can you help us find the mastermind of that incident," yeji said in pure anger

"We will don't worry," heejin said

"Where's my ryujin? she okay?" Yeji asks and tries to get off the bed but hyunjin holds her

"No, no yeji" you're still weak," Hwang Hyun-jin said she shook her head

"Please let me see her...please tell me she's okay..." Yeji said while crying

"Yeji...Ryuji is still in critical condition...she hit her head a couple of times," Hyun said she cries

"Can I see her?" She asks while tearing up

"No, the doctor is not allowing us to see her we can only see her through the windows" winter said

"Please I just want to see her," yeji said

Her mom and brother sigh

"Alright...wait for me here I will get a wheelchair," her brother said and go outside she wipe her tears

She needs to be strong, especially at this moment when ryujin is still in critical condition she needs to be strong...

Hyun came back with a wheelchair they carefully help her to ride the wheelchair then winter push the wheelchair Karina was there too

As they arrive at the I.C.U where ryujin was

(let's all pretend that this is ryujin)

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(let's all pretend that this is ryujin)

Yeji's Point of view

As I stare behind the glass walls of this room my heart aches at the sight.

My heart is clenching the pain is unbearable I need to be near her I need to make sure she's alive and still warm

"Mrs.Kim, are you feeling better now?" Then a girl came in she's kinda tall

"My heart is shattered can you replace it?" I said and look at my wife again

"I can't ryujin needs your heart to keep her in life...btw I'm Nicha yontararak her best friend and her doctor call me Minnie," the doctor said

"ryRyujis a strong woman...I know she will open her eyes soon...just stay with her she needs you" Minnie said and smile at me "I know how it feels seeing your love lying in the bed...with those tubes connects to her my wife is in the other room she's in a coma for 2 years now" Minnie said and wipe her tears

"You mean... It may take 2 years before she opens her eyes?" She asks

"Likewise, her condition is sensitive...I always adore her, she put her life in danger just to save yours..." Minnie said and smiled at me "so take care of her and please...don't let yourself make a mistake...don't be in love with someone else...ryujin might not wake up anymore if you fall for others..." She said again I nod

"Can I come inside? I just want to touch her hand...just give me 5 minutes..please..." I begged I'll do anything just to feel her warm

"Sure but make sure to wear the protective gears to make sure no infection and avoid harm," Minnie said she nods and immediately wear the protective gears and when the door opens

I immediately but carefully go near to ryujin bed

I touch her can and hold it but I was taken aback...she's she even alive? my tears slowly fall from my eyes

"I already lost our child...and I can't take losing my wife...don't leave me ryujin...we're just starting come your eyes for me...I love you...forever and for always...ill be back here when your condition is not that sensitive anymore...ill be there behind those walls I'll be watching you...I will never leave you...I love you so much ryujin so don't die for me...I will keep on blaming myself, I only have 5 minutes my love...please come back to me...I'm missing you...your smile, your laugh, your sweet little gestures, and your promised to be with me forever so you better keep that promise" I said and kissed her hand I don't wanna let go yet but Minnie told me that we need to head out

"I love you, Ryujin Kim," I said before letting Minnie push the wheelchair out of the room

"Can I see your wife?" I said she smiled at me sadly and headed in the next door then there is see a woman lying on the bed

"Can I see your wife?" I said she smiled at me sadly and headed in the next door then there is see a woman lying on the bed

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(And let's pretend this is Miyeon)

"Her name is Miyeon Kim my only love...I never dared to let myself fall for my life, there's only her...she's the color of my life shaded in different palettes...for 2 heart always beat for her...and no matter how long it will always be here..." Minnie said and caress her wife's cheeks

"What happens?" I ask

"Miyeon is a daughter of a mafia leader...then one day when she's on her way back home after work her dad's enemy shoots her head while driving and here's the result..." She said and almost tearing up "trust me as time goes by my heart still clenched more in so much pain..." She said

"I hope she wakes up soon," I said she smiled

"I hope, our daughter is growing up without her..." She said "let's go get some rest I know it's still painful to lose your child," she said I nods and she bring me back to my room my best friend kat was there, and Ryu's sister they were sleeping in the couch

" so I'll check you later..."Minnie said and leave I cry all the pain in my heart.

Ryujin woke up for me...

Hi lovessssssssssssssssss I'm trying to be straight but itzy and idle won't let me🐭

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