Chapter Thirteen-Is it Love?

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After the grand wedding ryujin decided to take Yeji to new Zealand in her hometown since it was her first time to be there

When they arrive at her mansion in new Zealand she quickly grabbed her wife's nape and kiss her harshly yet sweet

Their hands are now having their own life they are moving and removing each other's clothes when they are all naked they dont reach the bedroom

Ryujin push yeji in the couch and kiss her deeply squeezing her butt cheeks and pinching her left nipple using her other hand

"ugh~"yeji moaned she move down a little and play with the latters nipple

"ryujin...i love it.."yeji moaned loud not minding if someone will hear them

Ryujin smirk as she stood up and walk in the fridge and get some ice cubes and ice cream

She go back in the couch and corner yeji in her two arms

"open your mouth baby"she said yeji obliged and sexily open her mouth she scoop an ice cream and put it on yeji's mouth "now swallow"she said yeji swallow the ice cream still locking her eyes on hers she smile and lean to kiss the brunettes neck

She suck her spot and leave a red mark on it marking yeji as hers

"Now everyone will see that someone owns you"she said

"im yours..yours already..ryuddaeng"yeji said she smile and claim the olders lips when she pulled out she get the ice cube and stuck it between her teeth

"ready?"i ask she find it a little bit hard to speak cause she's still bitting the ice cube on her teeth yeji nods

She run the ice cube on her neck living some trail of water on yeji's body

She trailed down the ice on yeji's neck down to her abdomen yeji arched her back as volted of pleasure shocks her whole body

Then she run the ice down on her pulsing wet center she rub the ice on her folds

Yeji grabbed her hair pulling her more closer on her center

"Hngg..ryujin~~"yeji moaned she let go of the ice she run the tip of her tongue on her wet clit and form a circle motion on it

"Fuck.fuck..keep doing it ryu"yeji cursed as she lick and suck her wet center

She run the flat of her tongue on her pulsing center she took the ice cream on the table

" sure this one will gonna be delicious"she uttured and use her fingers to scoop a chocolate ice cream and wipe it on her center the she immidiately suck the olders clit that earns a soft and loud whimpers on the girl

"Sh*t'reee...licking me real..goooodd!!"yeji moaned again she smirk she stop and look at yeji

"wanna help?"she ask the girl look at her with a confuse look"come on,dont be too lazy..use your hand..put this ice cream wherever in your body and i will lick it off"she said yeji blushed but still follow

Yeji use her long fingers to scoop a chocolate ice cream

"ready to eat again?"she ask at ryujin

"just put it wherever and  i will lick it off"she stated then yeji smirk and put the ice cream around her erected nipple ryujin lick her lips hungrily and lick the other girls nipple and sometimes bit it pulling

Yeji run her fingers on ryu's hair and moaning"'re so good baby"yeji said between her moans after cleaning up the ice cream she look at yeji

"wheres next?"she ask wiping her lips using the back of her hand

Yeji scoop ice cream again and putting it on her wet amd soaking center

"my favorite part ahh"ryujin said before giving yeji a peck kiss before grabbing her thights and seperating it widely then she knelt between her center and lick the chocolate ice cream

Chocolate ice cream plus her precum?just f*cking delicious ..

Ryu bit her pulsing clit using her lips that makes the girl roll her eyes back in pure ecstacy and pleasure

"Oohhh..aahhh~~"yeji moaned while gripping the sheets really really tight

With no warning she plunge her two fingers inside her

"'re stretchingme real..ohh..good~"yeji said while moaning"more..ryu..fucking more!"

She thrust her fingers more faster hitting the olders spot

"Fuck!you're hitting my spot so...gooo--aahh!!"yeji moaned as she added one more finger and thrust more desperately while still licking her clit

She can say that yeji will cum in any minute now the girls hole clenching so she move faster

"Shitt!!i think..i think im gonna cum"yeji uttured she lick her more fast and thrust her finger more fast

"Ugh!FUCKKK!!"yeji moaned as she orgasm she lick her wet pussy covered by her cum

She move up and scoop an ice cream and brush it on her wife's lips

And kiss it she really want it that messy thats so hot

"thats so delicious"she said and kiss her wife again

"that was breath taking"she said"i love you"yeji uttured she paused for a while processing the word

"Is it love?a true love yeji?"she ask yeji lock her on her arms and kiss her temple

"not sure tho if its what they called true love,but one thing is clear you're driving my mind and my heart go insane..sometimes..i forgot about felix..i feel loved by you..and im slowly ready to reciprocate it"yeji said her light fury was slowly loving her that all she ask

"i can wait...even forever"she said and kiss the older"but baby you owe me a intense orgasm for making you cum that much"she said yeji chuckle

"sure..we will give you that intense orgasm"yeji said and smirk

"hmm...i know i make you real tired..sleep for now.."she said yeji nods amd pout

"hug?"yeji said while pouting she smile and hug yeji isharing the one couch"my huggies"yeji said and giggle

After a minute she hear the light furry snore cutely she chuckle and did the same she closed her eyes until falling asleep


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