chapter nine

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Yeji was sitting in ryujin's bed with the lights off she can't sleep with a thought that ryujin lie at her and ryujin is enjoying partying after having a fight with her.

She sat there and wait for the time when will the latter arrive.

Then the door knob make a noise and she knows its ryujin she check the clock it's 3am in the morning so she sit in the bed and focus her deadly feline eyes in the door waiting for ryujin to enter the room.

When the door opens the brunette immidiately turn on the lights and that makes ryujin jumps on scare

"Oh holy shit!"ryujin exclaimed"what the hell?what are you doing here?"ryujin ask

She smirk and look at ryujin more deadly"Do you enjoy?having a freaking date to your ex and partying tonight?while im fvcking he--"

"shut your mouth yeji!Stop being unfair"ryujin said and lay in the bed she stood up and crossed her arms

"what do you mean being unfair?"she ask

"You're being unfair to me yeddeong...your using me to fill your sexual needs..youre giving me hope then suddenly you will take it away from you know how painful is that?"ryujin ask she lower her head as she saw a tears escaped from the latters eye

"I did my best and im still trying to give you the best yeji...cause you desrve all of the best that this world could have.."ryujin stated while crying"If felix cant give you that well i can yeji...just give me a little freaking space to your heart!is that too much too ask?"ryujin ask her and ended up kneeling in front of her

"i've been here for you for a long time hiding and keeping my distance away from you cause i dont want to bother you"ryujin said and stood up to hug her"But...forgive me if this time i will keeping you close..holding you may not love me now then i will love you more until you tell me those three powerful words"

"im not pushing you to tell me those words...for me're here by my side is enough..its okay if you cant love me..just scared that you dumped me off when felix came back for you..i know you will leave me...yeji..i love you so much"ryujin said and burst out a tears she can't control it anymore she hug ryujin too and cry on her shirt

"i cant even understand my self being jealous with a thought that you still have a date with your ex..."she said"but i still love felix..but trust me ryujin...i want to unlove him..thats all i want so i can start a new life with you ryujin..."she said while crying she grip ryujin shirt

"Im not forcing you...i just want you to stay"ryujin said

"no..its unfair ryujin..i dont want to keep hurting someone..i dont like please wait for me to forget him and tottaly move on"she said

" the wedding is still on next sunday?"ryujin ask

"yes ryu..i will marry you"she said and hug ryujin tight"stop having a date with your ex ryuddaeng!im jealous"she said and stomp her feet

"you know bring confusiong in my mind yeddeong-ah.."ryu said and sigh and shook her head

"what do you mean?"she ask

"you dont love me nor like me but you're jealous?"ryu said.

"who says that i dont like you?"she ask

"yahh!dont give me hope yeddeong its painful to leave dumbfounded"ryu said and sat in the bed she walk near her and sat in her lap ryujin instantly wrap her arms on her waist

"You know what?ang rupok mo"she uttured ryujin sigh and slap her ass

"Its your know i cant stay mad at you"ryujin said she giggle and hug her she kiss her neck

"uhah...nope yeji-ah...we will not make love until you moved on to felix"ryujin said and smirk she roll her eye and smack ryujins chest

"I hate you"she said

"i know"ryujin said and chuckle

"yaaahhh!!im just kidding you idiot"she said and rain kisses on ryujin's face "its 3:30"we should take a sleep you dumbass"she said and push ryujin to bed and lay next to her wrap her arms around her waist and share blankets to keep them warm

"im not drunk...i drink but not're invading my mind all of the minute..."ryu said before smuggling her neck she can fell the brunettes warm breathe

"im drunk on you"ryu said and giggle she play with her hair until the latter fell asleep she sigh and kiss her forehead before closing her eyes and fell asleep

Nyx Hwang Point Of View

Its 6 am in the morning yet my mom and my new dada is still sleeping i heard them having a fight earlier because they left the room open

I immidiately go down in the kitchen and prefare for my own food..

Im so happy to have my dada ryuddaeng in our life i mean who didn't right?.

Dada ryujin is so cool and pretty handsome if i would given a chance i want her and my mom to get married

What about my real father felix?I will kill him if i saw him near us i swear to god

I dont need him dada ryujin,mama yeji and me and my future sister thats all i want nothing more nithing less

As i finished eating i go in my room to take a bath after that i go outside to sat in the couch and wait for my parents to wake up

After a minute the two walk out of the room and wait?they're kissing?this two..

"Hey mom and dad go back to your room"i said and cover my eyes i heard the two chuckle and dada walk near me and carry me.

"what do you want to eat?"dada ryu ask i shook my head

"i eat already.."i said and smile"i wanna watch Aladdin"the animated one okay?

My dada nods and play the aladdin in the television while my mom is cooking and dada is watching with me

"Nyx?"dada called me


"do you want to be my son?legally?"she ask of course i want it thats my pleasureee

"of course dada"i reply in cheerful tone

"then after i marry your mom we will do some legal grounds to make you my son"she said and ruffled my hair i chuckle and hug her

"dada..if Felix is back can you not let him take us away from you?"i ask

"of course little and your mom is mine so why would i let him take you guys away?"she said and smile

"thats better i hate him for doing this to my mom"i said in anger dada ryujin hug me and kiss my forehead

"dont worry..he wont harm you here now"dada's words that make me feel safe and happy

I know that if my mom came back to my real father she is the most stupid woman ive known tsk

Im so done to her hearing that she still love my real father is so damn annoying



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