chapter twenty-one "why?"

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"yeji..." the man uttured yeji froze on her position then snapped back on the reality when the man hugged her

"felix..." she mumble but then remember what the man did to her she push him away "get off me" she said and give felix a deadly glare

"didn't you miss me?" felix ask her

"i dont" yeji said and enter ryujin's car felix tried to block the way but yeji is a woman and she's a b*tch

She stepped in the gas and she almost hit felix but gladly felix have a fast reflexes so he move away that fast yeji smirk seeing felix fall in the ground

"Deserve" she mumble and accelerate the speed when she arrive home she imidiately sat in the couch and hold her chest and feel her heart abnormally beating

"why am i feeling this way? When it's supposed to be gone?, im married already and finally moved on from him but why my heart is beating this way?" she asks herself 

I should get rid of these abnormal heart beating of mine...

She thought and sigh she took a bath nyx need some comfort but not yeji's, he needs ryujin's comfort since the kid treat the girl as his real parent and ryujin treat her son as his real son she even spoiled her son with material things and even love

Filling every little space left in her son's life making him feel that he have a complete family even felix leaves them

Back to felix she keeps on thinking about the man

WHY did he came back?...

He leave me, WHY?

Im fucking happy now... I just need My wife to open her eyes so we can proceed to the next chapters then all of a sudden he's here?WHYY???

She sigh and lay in their bed after their first sex ryujin and her been sharing rooms

But when the two catch a fight ryujin sleep in the couch most of the time and complaining about the back ache

She sniffs the latters pillow and wrap herself with the comforter she feel empty she need ryujin's hug

She's Praying that now felix is back this wont affect her and her love for ryujin

Meanwhile Felix

Felix slicked his tongue yeji change a lot, she became a bad b*tch maybe ryujin is taking a good care of her

he came back at korea since his life is in danger leaving his husband at australlia

And besides he have a plan to accomplish

Then his phone rings a lot he check the caller it was his husband

--On The Phone--

"Chan!!??, Didn't i told you to stop calling me?"

[i am your husband felix, i have all the right, to bother you and to call you, even kissing you and pleasuring you]

"oh shut up bang chan! Im gonna hang up now"

[Harsh, but i love you still...]

"over reacting"


Felix put his phone down and finally slowly stood up fix his clothe and shove the dirt in his pants as he walk inside the hospital

He was about to ask someones room but his eyes caught winter going out with a phone call

"hey ms, May i Know if you have a patient named kim ryujin? She was caught in a car accident 5months ago" he said the nurse told him the room number as he walks by his phone ring

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