chapter twenty six-Shift positions

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As much as i want to engulf ryujin into tight hug i can't... She have a fiancé and... The memories of her being close minded for my explanations lingers on my mind my heart aches so bad

"what are you doing here?" i asks

"Mom, Treat dada in a nicer way..." nyx told me" both of you are wrong so put your pride aside it wont give anything good" nyx said well i will treat her right if she admits that partly it's her fault

If she listens to me....

Then maybe we're good....

I do give in... But because of influence of viagra in my system... Whaetver words comes out thru my mouth that day, its a big lie...

I sigh and look at her with a cold and blunt expression despite of being so attracted on her perfect beauty that never changed

"why are you here?" i asks im hoping that she's here to take me back

"uhm... I'm here for hyun... I want to invite him for my wedding" she said nicely

Are you dumb kim ryujin?, can't you sense it that im still into you and it hurts to see you again just to invite my brother for your wedding that i know it should be us...

Words that running through my mind but i can't voice it out it hurts...

The one who used to be my number one supporter, believer, lover, and my home is now already anothers safe place...

It hurts... Ryujin... It hurts so much...

"oh...well he's inside come in" i said not even smiling i can hear her sigh

"Oppa you have visitors" i said they follow me my mother saw ryujin her eye widen in shock

"ahh... Ma'am... Hello" ryu said

"eomma... I will go in my room i'll rest" i said and enter my room i sigh and hold my chest for a while

My heart is breaking i open the drawer and stare on our wedding ring that i keep

Hoping one day...

One day we will be able to wear it again on our fingers with a smile crept on our lips and our hearts are beating crazy for each other...

"I still love you ryu... After all these times... i'm still into you... If you only listens to me... Then maybe we're in a good terms... I know im wrong... And im regretting it... But... Can you at least admit that you became close minded for my explanations" i wipe my tears as it keeps on falling

Im breaking again... I will not move on to you ryujin... I will never...

Ryujin's point of view

Yeji look mess she lost a lot weight her eyes are red and puffy

My heart aches to see in her state and another it hurts again when she give me cold therapy

I know that i became close minded for your explanations but you can't blame me...

My heart beating fast the moment i stepped in inside their house her mothers eyes glued on mine the old layde engulf me into tight hug  yeji go in her room

I sigh i hug the woman back

"ma'am how are you?" i asks the old woman smile at me

"Im okay... I hope you forgive my daughter" she said

I smile and nods softly
"i already ma'am... Uhm excuse me i want to talk to her" i said the old woman give me the permission to go

My friends start to tease me i look at them and give them a warned look

" Talk~~~ you sure you will just talk to her?" heejin teased me i look at her with a disbelief look

" Control your Hormones Ryujin" yujin said i facepalm these friends of mine...

I walk in yeji's room im on the door and its not tottaly close i didn't meant to secretly listen to her but i still do my heart beats so fast

"I still love you ryu... After all these times... i'm still into you... If you only listens to me... Then maybe we're in a good terms... I know im wrong... And im regretting it... But... Can you at least admit that you became close minded for my explanations" she said i sigh and open the door just to see her focus on starring on our wedding rings

She keep it

Just like how i keep her in my heart

"you still have it... I throw it already right? Dont tell me you looked for it after i throw it that night" i said and sat on the chair beside her bed

"im not like you... Everything that commits to you, to us is inportant for me..." she said and wipe her tears "what are you doing here?" she asks me

"i just wanna have a closure" i said

"you already gave it to me five years ago... I already cried to much salty tears... These room witnessed a lot of breakdowns... Enough is enough ryujin... If you are not satisfied in my pain just go..." she said look at these pretty smart woman acting so dumb

" Okay, But... hwang Yeji i know you still love me..." i mumble

"i do," she said with no hesitation "and you are going to get married soon congratulations i wish you all the best" she said

" dont lie... You dont really wish me all the best..." i said she look at me

"you didn't wish me all the best, because that would be a lie,but i know you didn't wish me all the worst either." i said she sat in the bed

"5 years ryujin... My heart is reaching out for you but your unreachable... Until i saw the news that you're in a relationship again and getting married soon you became a  moon for me impossible to get near enough... Sometimes i just want to get lost... I wanna die... Nyx stop talking to me when you left us... It became empty..." she said and cry i sigh and walk near her and engulf her into tight hug

"Sometimes... i want to back out in the wedding and came back here at korea and came back to you, sometimes I want to go back in the time where i signed the divorce papers without hesitation, now i cant call you mine anymore..." i said and kiss her forehead

"I know its my fault, i am wrong but can you atleast give me some time to explain? If you just let me... Maybe we're still together having our first child... You left ms without even thinking that im still depressed for the death of our child" she said well yeah, im guilty as hell

"im sorry my yeji... Yeddeong if you just knew how i struggle to talk to myself to forget you" i said " and i fail... My heart didn't listen... Sorry yeddeong its too late for us im getting married soon... The only thing that i can promise is to bring the culprit behind bars... I will sue them for doing that to us" i said she look away and push me.

"then leave... I wanna rest" she said i sigh and look down and go out of the room with heavy heart

I dont know i know she's mad... But im still problematic because of my sister and my fiancé and because of our car accident

After fixing things then maybe

Just maybe we can still give our love

Our last chance

Cause after all these times im still into you hwang yeji...


𝙱𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖 𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎||𝚁𝚢𝚎𝚓𝚒 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌 Under EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now