Chapter twenty seven- Yulia's Secret

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yuna's Point Of View

I know how much my unnie ryujin hate traitors and liars but cant help it before i even notice im already fallen with her fiancé

After working out for over 2 years just to get lia's attention i succeed

My first intention is just to make lia's feelings for my sister swept away i know my unnie still in love with her ex-wife i just want her to be happy

But so suddenly im in love with stranger

Once a stranger for me now she's already part of me

I know its wrong but when we kiss it feels so damn right

"what if your unnie discover about us yuna?" she asks me well thats better so i dont really need to hide it

"Well... So be it, we will face the concequences together..." i said and kiss the back of her hand

"i know its wrong yuna... But it feels damn right" she said to me i stare at her eyes

"You cant really read between the lines?, I think Ryu unnie have some ideas about us... Im just giving her a relief... She take what makes her happy and ill take my happiness"i said and lay beside her my head hurts a bit

"you look unbothered" lia said and giggle

" i didn't need to be bothered tho... At the end of the day i will still snatch you to ryujin unnie" i said and hug her waist and bury my face on her stomach she comb my hair and sang a song for me her voice is the sweetest i cant hide it anymore to my unnie

Its time to admit things...

*time skip

I woke up and lia is not beside me anymore i bet she's on their room as i heard ryujin unnie laughing making noises with  her friends and winter unnie

I go down in the stairs and look at my sister ryujin she's smiling at me

"hey,... I saw nyx earlier" she said i sat beside her and rest my head on my sisters shoulder

"unnie can we talk?" i asks she nods and stood up and bring me at the veranda

"hmm... What is it yuna-yah" unnie said  look down and sigh

"unnie... Lia unnie and i ar--"

"in a relationship?" she said i was shock i look at her she was smiling like a silly one

"you know?" i asks

"of course... Yuna you can let me know... Your happiness is my priority here... You two are obvious im willing to give lia to you thats even better yuna... If i try to keep on pushing myself falling for lia it will only lead into heart ache... I can't take seeing my sister crying because her sister marry her first ever love" she said and hug me i hug her tight and sniffs

Im so soft my unnie always prioritize me even tho the world may be her enemy

"Just give me some time to fix things okay? Then you can be with lia in public for now keep it private" she said and pats my head as im still hugging her

"is lia unnie is in your room?" i asks

"oh yeah, I think she's sleeping" she said i nod

"can i?" i asks

"yes baby... Go on" she said i gave her a peck kiss on her cheeks

"thank you unnie you're the best" i said and run to their shared room and take a peek inside and there i saw her applying some lotions  on her legs

I knock on the door she look at me and smile

"You're getting braver yuna" lia said i roll my eyes and about to close the door when heejin unnie  pass by on the room and spoke

"Yuna ryujin says no monkey business you're still a baby" ahhh my unnie is insane

"UNNIEEE!!!??? YOURE INSANE!IM STILL A BABY" i said and shut the door i can hear them laughing hard i massage my temple

Then give my attention to lia who's now wearing an oversized hoodie paired with cyclings she look confuse

"unnie knows already..." i said and walk near her she pull me lay on the bed i use her arm as a pillow and wrap my arms on her waist and burry my face on the crook of her neck

Her sweet scent something that i love

"So now  we are free to be sweet in front of your unnie" she said i nods and plant wet kisses on her shoulders

"pardon me but this became a habbit because of you" i said and kiss her shoulder"But im still a baby so yeah" i said she laugh and caress my cheeks

"Yuna... i love you" she mumble my heart skip a beat this is the first time i hear it from her

Im blushing i know i burry my face on her neck again"I love you too" i said "at least now we dong need to keep everything as a secret... Lets make this private for now we will make it public after ryujin unnie fix things" i said and kiss her forehead

She nods and hug me tight and this is all we know

Ryujin's Point Of View

I laugh at my sisters cute action she look dead guilty when she told me she thinks i might get mad and hate her but no...

She give me a relief and a reason to take yeji back...

She's mad at me but... I know she's fragile for me

" What are you planning now? felix is one of the ally of your sister the one who bumped your car is felix and the orders are from your sister" Heejin said i sigh and drink a whiskey jisoo unnie is here too

"i have a plan for sure jennie is out of her mind because Lisa Leave her so i guess if things became uncontrol, lisa can be the one who can control her we just need to find her" jisoo unnie said i nods and look for yuqi

Wheres did that noisy dumbass chinese go?

'"hey you see yuqi?" i ask

" she's with soyeon now taking back her wife" minnie said i nods

"shuhua..." i call the taiwanese girl

"yes?" shuhua replied.

" can you do this job for me? Look for Lalisa Pranpiya Manoban" i said she nods


" thank you"

"by the way how about you? Yuna and lia is having fun how about you?" heejin said

" I have a plan already i just need to fix things first before taking yeji back at me" i said she roll her eyes

" If you didn't file an divorce amd you just ask for a cool off then maybe both of you are still in a good terms" heejin said i slap her arm

" You agree with the divorce thing too idiot" i said

" oh?i did? Well, we're both dumb" she said i shook my head why do i have this kind of friend? Pain in my ass

"I will help you to take my sister back... Im happy that youre already back ryu," hyunjin said i smile and drink again

I will take you back hwang yeji and make you kim yeji again... You belong to me remember?

(Ryujin marupok)


Kung si ryujin at yeji ay dipa nakakamoveon sa isat isa

Edi sanaol😭

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