Chapter 3

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Yeji was standing in the front of the Bar, hands are shaking holding a requirements with a sexy outfit inside her jacket

She's not sure about this but this is the only way that she knows to pay her expenses,she tried to apply as an janitress but failed to enter the destined job

She breathe heavily and about to take a step forward  when a strong hands pull her make her fall on the floor and when she look on it its winter

"what the hell are you doing Ms. Hwang?"Winter ask

"let me go Kim Winter! This is the only thing i can do to earn enough money!"  she yelled but Winter didn't budge instead of leaving her alone and let her do her business the girl cover her with another piece of thick clothing

"shut it Hwang Yeji!" Winter said "there is a lot of better jobs than this why are you wasting your beauty in this disgusting hell hole!?"

Winter bent down "Hwang this is not the best way i get it that you need a lot of money for your expenses but do you think your son will be happy if he knows that his mother is a stripper?and do you think your mother will be okay if she knows that the money you use to pay her hospital bills are from this fvking bar?because you sell your body?think of it yeji"winter said yeji stop for a while and think of everything winter said

Winter is right but where she will get the money to pay for her expenses?and mothers hospital bills

"but winter...i need money right now"she siad and keep sobbing

"stand up yeji"winter said she stood up and winter hand her an envelop that looks loaded

"what is this?"she ask

"thats all i can lend you that 100,000 i guess that will be good for you for your bills"winter said

"i cant accept this..i cant pay this"she said

Winter handed her a card
"after one week that number will call you,and the caller will be the answer for your problems"winter said"and that money is not from me its from someone use that you dont need to pay for it"winter added

"who is it?"she ask

"im not allowed to tell you until next week"winter said and ruffled yeji's hair"so now get you ass out of here visit your mom fetch your son pay for your house bills"winter said and smile she wipe her tears and chuckle

"whoever she is please say thank you for this"she said winter just nod

"come on hop in inside my car ill dropped you off in the hospital"wim said she nod and hop in inside tge car and then winter start the engine and drove

Meanwhile Ryujin

Ryu's Pov

"all packed?"my jisoo unnie ask i reply a simple nod and smile

"yeah all set"i said jisoo unnie hugged me

"you fvcking gay take care of yourself dont forget to drink your meds"she said

"the medicine is just for allergy unnie its not a maintenance"i said and chuckle

"oh right..btw your jennie unnie misses you do you want to visit her first before leaving next week?"she ask jennie unnie and i doesnt have this kind of bond why?well jennie unnie is so intimidating im scared asf

"sure unnie..."i answer jisoo unnie smiled at me

"oh well...i'll take a care for your papers to your citezenship  ryu i have some connections in korea when you landed in the airport my best friend Seulgi Kang and Moonbyul Will welcomed you in the airport"she said

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