Chapter Five

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Ryujin is in the pool early in this morning and feeling the warm water in the pool she's sitting on the side and closing her eyes

Finding the peace of her mind but then she feel a set of eyes looking at her when she looked up her eye met the pair of feline eyes that was now starring at her

"you need something?"she asked

"It's 6am in the morning and the weather is freezing but you are here bathing in the freaking pool?you wanna catch a cold?"yeji ask and furrowed her eye brows ryujin shrugged it off

"dont mind me"she said

"okay if you say so.."yeji uttured and roll her eye and about to leave when Ryujin spoke

"I realize that forcing you to marry me is not a good thing right?"ryujin uttured that makes yeji flinch to her

"why did you say that?"yeji ask

"just like how i can't force you to love me for over a year....i cant force you to marry me too"she uttured and stood up and walk away in the pool she get the robe and cover her body and go inside the house

Yeji run and reach for her she grabbed her hand and hold it tight.

"so now you want to cancel the deal?huh?"yeji uttured ryujin look at yeji she grab her hand and pin her in the wall

"i didnt say that...and i will never backs off in the deal"ryujin said and let go of her and leave her dumbfounded she shook her head and go in the kitchen and cook something for her and for nyx and ryujin too

After a minutes she finished cooking when she's about to go in nyx bedroom ryujin walk in with nyx on her back

"eomma!!good morning"ryu was carrying nyx on her back and nyx was giggling

"he's heavy"ryu said and put nyx down in the chair she chuckle and pinch nyx nose

"you little tease"yeji said and giggle then she serve a food for nyx and ryujin after that she serve for her self

"i never knew that you're good in cooking"ryu compliments her"a perfect wife material..."ryu added her cheeks go red she looked away

"eomma!!you're so red"nyx said and point his finger to her ryujin chuckle and pinch nyx nose

"dont tease your mom"ryu uttured

"im stating the fact dada"nyx said calling ryujin dada ryu was startled same as yeji

Ryujin look at the kid

"can you call me that way again?"she requested the kid smile

"dada ryuddaeng"nyx uttured her heart were pounding fast a smile slowly form a smile she hug the kid

"alright im your dada ryujin from now on"ryu said and ruffled his hair yeji cant stop herself from smiling she's starring at the two

It would be my greatest pleasure to marry her...

The way ryujin show them the real care and the love that they deserve

"i have an appointment for today two stay here and can watch movies and and swim in the pool"ryu said and patted nyx head"hey kiddo dont stress out your mom okay?"ryu said the kid give a thumbs up

"okay dada"ryu smile and kiss nyx forehead when she's about to leave nyx hold her hand"dada kiss my mommy too"the kid said ryu eyes settled on her and gave her a

Shall we do it?look

She nods and give the permission ryujin walks near yeji and wrap her arms around yeji's waist and pecks kiss yeji's cheeks

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