special chapter-dealing with yeji's pregnancy

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Its been a year natalia is now 5 years old and yeji is on her 5th month of pregnancy for her 3rd baby

And ryujin swear to all saint and god pregnant woman is always hard to understand

Just like now

"RYUJIN!!"yeji's voice echo in the whole room ryujin almost fell down in the stairs when she rushed down to meet yeji she knows when yeji is mad and she call her whole name she need to be there in five seconds

"Yes baby?" she asks and gasped for some air

"You stupid!" yeji shout and threw on her beautiful face her dirty shirt "You're cheating on me!" she shout her jaw dropped on the floor

"What!?" she asks

"you're cheating on me i smell different on your shirt" she smell her shirt it was the same smell the vanilla perfume that yeji bought her

"i didn't smell anything yeddeong" she said

"it smells like water!" yeju shout she face palmed

Oh my lord...

She knew that day that she will sleep in her favorite couch

After 1 month here it goes again...

Ryujin just come home from work its 9pm a bit late but she finsih all of her work to spend her time for her wife

When she enter the house and carefully put the shoes in the shoe rock she saw her wife in the kitchen while nyx and natalia are earing chips

The two look at her

"hey papa!" the two call at her in unison

"hello babies..." i said and give natalia a peck kiss on her forehead and i ruffle nyx precious hair

"papa?" nyx call me

"yes?" i asks..

"you change your perfume?" nyx ask her she nods

"your mom buy it for me before" she said and walk in the kitchen but before she hug her wife the woman pointed her the spatula she step back

"H-hey sweetie" she stutter "w-whats w-wrong?" she asks

"Who is your mistress!?" yeji asks her

"m-mistress? W-what? I-i dont h-have any mistress" she said while sweating she winced in pain when yeji hit her arm using the spatula that dip in hot oil

"o-ouch honey" she said

"who is your honey?" she asks her jaw dropped

"what the heck?" she asks

She was about to hug her but the latter act like she will hit her again so she step back

"dont hug me!its not your smell! Its your mistress" she said

"baby you buy this perfume for Me" she said but the brunette look at her sharply

"dont come near me leave!" she said she sigh and start to walk away

"why are you walking away?" yeji said she face palmed

Lord please whats happening in this world...

And after that here it goes again she need to deal with her wife's suddenly mood swings

They are calm and watching when a sexy and beautiful actress in front of the tv

"She's pretty right ryu?" yeji asks softly

(a/n:oh, ryu don't agree just don't)

"yes" she said(a/n you're dead ryu) and keep on watching a minute later

*sobs* *sobs*

She look at her wife she's crying she cupped her face

"baby whats wrong?" she asks

"you don't love me anymore" yeji said her jaw dropped with that

"what!?" she asks in surprise

"you don't love me anymore because im fat and ugly now" the girl said cutely she chuckle she kiss her lips and hug her

" Holy... My god babe, for petes sake you know how crazy i am to you" she said " i love you so much youre not ugly and i dont care if you're fat now you still look prettier than aphrodite i dont care about your size all i care about is i love you..." she said and kiss her temple she wipe her tear

"you love me?" yeji asks she nods

"so much" she replied

"i love you too" yeji replied and pout asking for a kiss she giggle and lean down to kiss that pout

She's cute.... But scary

Later on that night ryujin is done cleaning herself she's now lying on the bed and scrolling on her phone with yeji beside her

She groan when a palmed her mound it was yeji the latter ented her hand on her boxers

"Y-yej" she whisper

"why?" yeji asks innocently

"please don't" she said the latter shook her head and enter her long fingers inside ryujin

"im horny" yeji said

Holy fucking cow

She arch her back when yeji put a pressure on her clit while her two fingers is fucking her drenched hole

"Fuck!fuck!fucccckk" she screamed when her orgasm hit her

"im the incharge here so all you need to do is lay down and let me do the rest"yeji said she nods and let her wife to do the job

'Saying "no" is forbidden for pregnant woman so better say yes in whatever they want"

The next day ryujin is at the couch with yeji beside her the two kids is on wonyoung and yujin's house since wonnie is pregnant with their 2nd baby wonyoung more loves to see nyx and natalia than yujin

Yeji pick a slice of mocha bread before putting it close to ryujin's mouth

"baby eat this" yeji said she shook her head

"im full" she said

"hmp!😾" yeji put the mocha bread in the plate and turn her back into ryujin and act like a spoiled brat she sigh and hug her she took the mocha bread and eat it

"i love you" she mumble the girl smile and kiss her

"i love you too" yeji said back she sigh

"im almost dead"

And after a month yeji is giving birth

"AHHHH!!YOU FUCKING RYUJIN!!" yeji shout and pull ryujins hair

"im sorry baby" she said and feeling the pain on her scalp

"I SWEAR!I WILL NEVER EVER LET YOU FUCK ME AGAIN"yeji shout and a loud cry filled the room as their 3rd baby come out to see the world

"its a boy" seulgi unnie said and smile at her she smiled

Seulgi give the baby to her mom to see feel the warm she lean down and caress her wife's hair and kiss it forehead

"so any name?" seulgi asks

"Davian Achilles Kim" she said and look at her wife and. Smile

" a nice name" seulgi said and smile

All of her life she never imagine this complete family

She deal with her preganant wife and that was hard but...that was happy and nice


Special chapter for my special dayyyyy

Its my birthday gayss my 18th freaking bdayyyy🤭

What can you say about this special part?

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