Chapter twenty-wake up, I know you hear me

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After 5 Months

5 months already past... But ryujin didn't wake up she became thinner she lost a lot of weight, yeji not losing a hope she knows in her heart Ryujin will wake up sooner

She's now starring at her wife's perfect face she smiled with a tint of sadness

"baby... I know you hear me... Wake up" she said "I'm still waiting... I love you" she said and kiss the latters forehead minnie let her to see ryujin and let her to stay in ryujin's side thinking that it may help for ryujin to woke up

Meanwhile minnie is like her but suffured more...

Minnie's wife still asleep and seems like no matter how hard minnie tried to reach for her miyeon seems unreachable

"I'm scared... To do something stupid I might give up of waiting for you but ryujin... I have no right... You never give up on me way back then so I dont have the right to give up on you" she said and kiss the latters forehead

(This part is gonna be on Ryujin's dream since she's on coma)

Ryu's Point Of View

I was lying on the field full of grass my mother is here too, I'm lying like a kid on her lap i miss the warmth of the love of my mother

Even my heart aching for yeji...

"Eomma... Come back to us..." somehow i know this is just my dream my mother is in coma and the scenario before i opened my eyes is full of tragedy

"Ryujin... You have to be strong... your father is waiting for me... When I lost your father I  know its selfish but I lost a reason to stay alive... Your father brings joy and happiness to my life... had to accept the fact and you and your sibblings need to let me go... Im getting tired i had to proceed and move to next life... Ryujin... The more you hold on tight on me the more your mother is suffering... I love you and your sisters so much ryujin and i'm so sad that i didn't see how you grow... But your mother is always proud of you... Theres a girl waiting for you to open your eyes... Ryujin take care of her and your sister kim Yuna don't let her be fool in love just like you" my mother said and chuckle a tear fell from my eye but somehow a relief to know that my mother wants us to give up on her and let her to be with my father

"eomma... Do you think she's the best woman for me?" i asks

Then just so sudden yeji's voice echoed in my mind

"Im scared..."

"i might give up waiting for you..."

These words echoed in my mind my heart suddenly aches

Don't... just dont give up on me yeji... I will open my eyes soon... For now let me cherish my moments with my mother before she completely go...

Back to my mother she was thinking about my question

"you know i'm never against to any woman you love... Its you who choose them if they hurt you its you who will suffer if she makes you happy its you who will completely enjoy it... My job is to look after you... I can't hug you anymore ryujin... None of your sibblings... I can't make you feel calm anymore... Your mother is tired... So i want you to be strong..." my mother said and look at me

"mom before you completely leave us... Can I at least stay with you a bit longer?" I said my mother give me a nod and a simple smile

Yeji... Wait for me... I just want to stay with my mom...

(Back to Real world lets exit ryujin's dreams)

Yeji's point of view

The room was filled by silence that only the noise of monitor and ryujins weak breathing can be heard

i caressed the latter's hand and kiss it

After 5 months I feel a little relief when ryujin's condition became stable, My heart is still shuttered I lost our baby and ryujin is not aware of it...

Even my son nyx is crying because he loss her sister and his dada ryu is now in coma and not waking up

Winter came and tapped me

"yeji... You should go home... Take a rest i'll make sure ryujin is okay no worry go home first... Then comeback here tomorrow" winter said i bet she's from her work she' managing ryu's businesses and her company

" How's the investigation going? " i ask she clears her throat as she sat beside her sister

" The investigation is still on hoing yujin and heejin takes care of it no worry ill updat you if they found out who is the suspect" winter said i smile and nods

I walk near ryujin and lean a little and kiss ryujin's cold cracked lips

" Ill go home for now sweetie Ill be back tomorrow I promise... i love you my love, I miss you" I said and caress her cheek and took my bag and suit before heading out of her room

Then when I almost pass by Miyeon's room I saw minnie checking her wife's vitals and after that she sat beside her wife and kiss the latters forehead she keeps on starring at her wife no words coming out from her mouth but her eyes can tell it all

Then I saw her look down and wipe her tears, She looks so strong but inner her she's  broken i sigh and just pass by

I miss ryujin so much praying for her to come back to me sooner i miss her like im gonna die if i didn't see her smiles now im just praying that she woke up soon

Her corny jokes and goofy is something that i miss more about her

Im at the parking lot I'm using her car  When i'm going to enter the car a familiar figure was standing in front of me and got my knees to feel weak and my heart ache but skipped a beat

Why now?, why in this moment?



Who's that Pokemon??👀

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