chapter twenty five- Korea's breeze

427 24 19

After 5 months

Ryujin's Point Of View

"unnie? Ready?" yuna asks me i nods and smile at her this time i smile it's not that pure but at least i can manage to smile

"how about you lia-yah?, ready?" i ask my fiance and interwined our fingers together she as sitting beside me in my private plane then yuna look away

She's acting strange when we act sweet in front of her

" yes babe... Im ready" she said i nods and smile

"unnie i will sleep..." she said i nods and come forward and kiss her forehead she's our baby in the first place"unnie... I miss nyx" she said

"i do too..." i said and smile a bit i miss that kid he's 8 when i left them and now he's already 13 he grew up for sure... How is he?, how did he react when he knows that me and her mom is no longer lovers...

Oh... We aren't really lovers...

I look at yuna she was sleeping cutely and making some soft snores

"she's a baby..." lia said i chuckle and nods

"yes, as always" i said and look at our baby bunny she's covered by pink bunny blanket

The plane take off already

Am i ready to see her?

Its not impossible i will go in her mom's house cause hyunjin was living there and i will invite him in my wedding i dont know if she stays in ou- no in her house that i gave to her...

I sigh heavily plus these weird actions of yuna and lia whats wrong with these two

Lia was starring at my sister it started 5 months ago...

Whats with them?

She even change seat lia sat beside yuna and put yuna's head on her shoulders

Are they in love with each other? If yes Thats  better

My life sucks...

Are they both indenial? Well obvious my sister yuna is so obvious that she likes my fiancé i'm just teasing my sister i just want her I mean them to admit it and I will help them to be together im a match maker sometimes you know

"you should consult a psychiatrist bro... You're laughing for no reason" yuqi voice out and tap my shoulders...

Oh yuqi is with us now to take soyeon back after all these years yuqi cant move on to soyeon she's fool like me

"come here bro ill tell you something" i said i look at lia and yuna they are sleeping peacefully sharing one blanket they look like a couple now

"ryu... You are the fiancé but they more look like couples" yuqi whisper i laugh and tap her shoulders

"lets figure out" i said

"wait how about you? What if you met yeji again?" yuqi asks me

"well... I think im okay with that we all know that my heart is for her only but im getting married now we can be friends...

Sometimes... I wanna back out in this wedding and escape came back at korea and run back to her... But, the more i think that she cheat on me it makes my heart ache again... All of a sudden all of our memories came back to me..." i said and sigh

"getting married but not happy?" yuqi said and chuckle"and dude.. We all know that your sister and your fiancé is in a relationship its too obvious" yuqi said i chuckle look at the two

"by the way i have a good news for you" yuqi said and look at me

"what is it?"

" minnie said yeji didn't stay in your house and another one minnie go in your house to clean then she found something" yuqi said

"what is it?"

"Viagra bro... She found a viagra in the couch i think felix use viagra to yeji... Thats why she have no control on her hormones that day" yuqi said i clench my fist that man...

"They're together again?" i asks

"no, he just dissapear like a ghost..." yuqi said oh after fucking my wife-- i mean my ex-wife he will disspear like a ghost? Stupid man

"and another one about the accident 5 years ago... We knew who is the suspect heejin and yujin find out already"

I sat straight and look at her"what!!??who is it!?"


When she  told me the name my heart ache my brain explodes in shock why?...

Is it because you hate yeji so much so you did that? I cant believe it so unacceptable i need to inform jisoo unnie about this

After an hour...

We arrive at korea a cold winter breeze welcomed me winter was there she hug me

"dude... I cant belive it... She can do that to you" winter said

"unnies... Can we go home first?" yuna asks

"why baby?" i asks " we will eat in my resto" i said

" i dont like unnie my body aches and my head is spinning... I wanna rest you can eat in the resto ill rest" she said i look at lia lia looks worried

" yuna?do you want me to come with you?" lia ask i scoffed and secretly laugh in my mind

"no, im good you can spend your day with ryujin unnie" yuna said and walk first winter followed her lia leave dumbfounded

"you wanna go home?" i ask her softly she nods

" can i babe?" she ask me

I nods and smile at her she follows yuna and leave me with yuqi, heej, yujin, shuhua, minnie and rei

"lets go, i want to invite hyun in my wedding" i said they nods and start to head out in the airport and drive in hwang family's house

**Time skip

I am now standing in front of their house nervous as hell

"yahh yahh fiancé huh..." yujin said and laugh

"lia who? We just know hwang yeji" Heejin said and laugh even minnie

"Ryeji Always have special place in our he--" minnie didn't finish her words when a husky manly voice spoke

"uhh... Excuse me? Who are you" i turn around to welcome a 5'6 feet tall man but i know him i can recognize him"dada..." he whisper and hugs me

"nyx..nyx... I miss you" i said and almost teared up

" dada youre back" he said and look at me

"ah yes, im back how are you my son?" i ask him he's so tall and look handsome as well

" dada... I felt sad... When you le--" he didn't finish what he's hoing to say when a familiar voice spoke in

"Nyx, Who-- ryujin..."

"hi, yej"



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