chapter eighteen- I love you so,please let me go..

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After 5 months

Yeji's Point of view

Everything between just wen't smoothly and perfect.We became the lovers that i didn't expected that possible

She treat Nyx as her own son give him everything he asked for fullfilling every empty space on our lives..

Ryujin became a perfect partner like i know she will,she take care of me and the little baby on my tummy she being careful at everything

She didn't even let me move a little she's making sure that everything will went well

We're now on our way back home since i have my check up to make sure that our baby is safe

"hmm..are you okay wife?"ryujin asked me that snapped me back into reality"you seemed off"she said tottaly i just dont feel okay since i woke i feel like im too lazy to attend the check up or leave our house i just dont know why

I even throw some tantrums on her this previous morning so i choose to behave

"nothing..i just dont feel like speaking today"i said she nods and caress my tummy

"i love you"she mumble i smile

"i love you too"i mumble then my eye settled on the side mirror since we're taking an empty road that few cars used to drive here its easy to noticed that someone is following us

"ryu"i call her and my eye we're focus on the side mirror

"wae?"she said

"someone's following us"i said and still settled on my side mirror she checked in the other side mirror

"fuck!?whos that?"she said that car is following us from the clinic till now our surroundings are surrounded by cliff's"we need to get out of this road..i dont feel good about that car.."she said and accelerate the speed a little i started to feel scared she grabbed my hand and caress it

"don't be scared im always here okay?"ryujin said i nods and just cover my tummy using my hands

But then the car bumped the back of our car

"FUCK!!" ryujin cursed i started to cry as a fear cover me are we going to die tonight? I hope we're not ryujin took the car out of the road we are now surrounded by trees

The car still following us and bumped on our car once again

"ryujin..."i mumble as i sob

"hush'll be'll be okay"she said i saw her hand goes in the lock of her seatbelt and unlocked it

"what are you doing?"i asked

"trust me"she said then the car bumped as once again  and a big truck welcomed us after that i dont know what happen next a blinding light flasher right through my eyes

As i felt ryujin hugged me she use her body as a sanction to protect me she used her body to cover me

"close your eyes"she whisper i close my eyes i feel an unexplainable pain i know our car was rolling in the road

As the consciousness leave my body

After a minute

I was back in my conciousness when i remember what just happened our car was now upside down ryujin is on top of me still unconcious

"ryujin..."i mumble but she's not replying"ryuddaeng...wake up"i said im tearing up i can hear some sirens

The ambulance is here i tapped her shoulders"my love wake up...the help is here"i said but i recieve no response

But then i remember...this is what her father did just to save her and his life is the cost just to save hers i sobbed

"baby..wake up..i need you"i mumble and hugged her but still not moving im scared so scared to lose her

I tapped her back once again
"ryujin kim!!!"i shout i felt weak then a man came and spoke

"ma'am?"the man mumble"don't move we'll get you out of there"he said

"no,sir...please help my wife first...cant lose her"i said while crying a blood streamed on my head

"we will help you two no worry"the man said

"baby...wake up for me please.."i mumble"you said you wont leave me..i trust you so wake up hon"i said while crying then the man able to took ryujin slowly out of the car

"bring her in the nearest hospital.."the man said i hear a siren heading out

"sir..."i call him as he tried to helped me

"yes ma'am"he replied

"please tell me that my wife is gonna be okay"i said

"her heartbeat is still strong..she's gonna be--sh*t!you're pregnant!"he cursed

Oh baby

"my baby"i said as i cried more he held my hand

"ma'am trust us..just put your trust on us"he said i just nods i felt weak so i close my eyes and i dont know what happened next

Heejin's point of view

Me and my wife hyunjin just fought this morning but she act so sweet to me now..whats with this woman

"Auntie heejin-ahh"nyx called me i look at him as he stop playing

"yes nyx?"i asked

"i miss dada ryuddaeng and mama yeji"he said hyun sat beside him and look at me

"go on ryu now"she said i just nods and bout to dial ryujin's number

Speaking of the devil ryujin called at me i answer it

    On the phone

"ryujin-ahh where ar--"

[is this jeon heejin?]

"yeah it's me..who are you?"

[we're from South korea general hospital we tried to call relatives but none of them answering our call you are our last chance]


[yes,ma'am ryujin and her wife Yeji kim was caught in a car accident and is in critical condition while mrs.yeji kim was now in stable condition..please come in thw hospital now]

"okay,ill be there now"

End of on the call

What happen to them?i immidiately stood up and took my suit and about to leave when hyun grabbed my wrist

"what happen?"she asked

Aish"ryu and yej caught in a car accident babe..please take care of nyx"i said and kiss her forehead before grabbing my car keys and leave

While on my way i dial yujin's number and the another devil answered it

Another on the phone


{what the hell heejin?}

"before you shout in anger go in south korea general hospital"


"ryujin and yeji caught in a car accident please inform winter about this,now go in the hospital ASAP im on my way"

{fucking hell!!alright see you}

End of on the phone

I drove my way until i reached the hospital and immidiately look for ryujin and yeji

Fucking hell what happen


stream Voltage//Itzy



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