chapter twenty two-Don't give in

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"What Do you want lee felix? And what are you doing here?" yeji said while frowning at the man in front of her

"come on yej... Im still the father of your son" he said her eye widen in shock

"how'd you know?" yeji ask

"i have my ways" he said " come on yej... Just spare me some of your time i just want to ask you something and also want to know about our son" he said yeji chuckle dryly

"have you forget? Since the day you left, you already all of your rights to our life... Now get the hell out of here i dont want to see your face..." she said and about to enter the car but felix grab her wrist

"please just spare me some time i promise not to bother you anymore" felix said and look at her with begging eyes

This man is the man who used to own her whole world...

Without even noticing that a tear fell from her eyes the latter pull her closer and hug her

Felix hug her tight as if they're just in the start where everything is perfect

"Give me a second chance yeji" felix said yeji push the latter

"im married lee felix, im happy now" she said and wipe her tears

First rule hwang yeji...
Dont give in so easily with his words...

On the other hand theres an eye watching from the close windows of the car

The latters heart ache as she witnessed how yeji reciprocated the hug and how yeji feel comfortable with the latter

"aish...ryujin my license might got terminated if they discover that i help you escape in the hospital... Just for you to winessed this scenario? Huh idiot" minnie said as she about to start the engine of her car but ryujin stop her

"dont... I wanna see more" she said weakly minnie shake her head in disbelief the latter really want her heart to get broken into tiny pieces

"how many years did your wife fell asleep?" ryu ask minnie

"2 years..." she reply

"while me... I almost slept for 5 months only... But it only took a day for felix to take her back" the weak girl said as her eye teared up

(Back to yeji)

"please yeji... At least spend this day with me" felix said "i promise i will stop" he said yeji sigh and grab felix's wrist and bring him inside ryujin's house and pull her in the couch

"what do you want? To drink?" she ask to felix

"just plain water" he said and yeji nods and go in the kitchen to get two glass of cold water and place it to the table in front of felix

"ill get some snacks excuse me" yeji said felix nods when yeji left he smirk and get the viagra out of her pocket and put it on yeji's drink he smirk

A minutes of later yeji came back and sat in front of him and take her water and drink it...

Felix smirk...


He said a minutes later yeji just feal so hot and a tingling sensation that needs attention

When yeji look at the man in front of her with a grin on his lips suddenly her lower region clenched as if it really cant wait to feel something pounding inside

The viagra is really a great invension

Felix said to his mind and stood up open the three buttons of his polo and corner yeji in the couch he lean a little and plant wet kisses to the womans neck

Yeji gripped tight on felix arm as the familiar sensation sips through her

One morning full of sin... What will happen today should kept as a secret,gladly ryujin was still asleep

That's what yeji's think so she let the man on top of her to do things on her body the man was naked like her

"lets do this on your bedroom" felix whisper on her ears as he grope her ass

She nods felix carry her she point ryujin's room when they enter the room the latter lay her down and continue pounding his hard d*ck inside her

"tell me yeji,* love me dont you..."felix said

"OH MY!!,AAHHH...YES FELIX...I LOVE YOU I STILL DO..." she mumble while moaning as the man hit deeper inside her

"fuck!you're so tight...hmm...admit're playing ryujin's heart" felix told her while her mind was not in the right state of mind

"yes,yes felix..."she moaned when she came while felix pulled out his shaft before cumming she passed out


I decided to enter my house with a surprising sounds from my wife and his ex...

A tear fell from my eyes my body is still weak so i fell on the couch hearing those moans from our shared bedroom

What hurts me most is yeji bring him in our sacred shared room...

Those words keep running through my mind

Yes felix,I love you I still do

So what am i to you yeji?ahh right... Your sugar mommy im too dumb to believe...

A hundred arrow ripped my heart as the loud noises stops and oh minnie was standibg beside me

"its unbelievable"minnie said with a hint of disbelief and anger

Then felix came down in the stairs smiling ear to ear then his eyes settled on mine

"she's still tight as hell" felix said i want to punch him but my body didn't cooperate still weak

But im glad minnie was here so she did she punch his face

" too much disrespectful mr.lee" minnie said and punch him again felix stood up and glare at us

"your wife still the most stupid woman i met" he said and leave

A tear fell from my eye...

How dare you give me another heart break hwang yeji?

I talk to minnie and said to leave me for a while she can wait for me outside i wanna settle things with yeji after that maybe cut our connections...

Suddenly so sudden... I want to give up on her

After 30 mins yeji walked down in the stairs panicking

"WHAT THE HELL DID I-"she stopped when her eye settled on mine

Her eye widen in shock didn' expect to see me here now...

I was crying a mess she was about to run to me but i stoped her

"Stop,no...keep your distance hwang" i said coldly she was startled


Sorry gays😥

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