Chapter 2

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Sana threw herself on her bed. She really pissed off. She want to scream so she grab her pillow and burying her face on it and start screaming.

After feeling relieved, she sat on the end leaning on the end of her bed while looking around the room.

She hasn't been home in 2 years and her room still looks clean and tidy. exactly the same as when she last left.

After being silent for a while, she started to feel guilty, she shouldn't have behaved like that to her parents. this is the first time her father looks annoyed at her and Sana continues to argue.

Sana knows that she deserves to be scolded and punished. her parents were also never rude to her even though she was not their biological child.

Sana's father, Minatozaki Sato is Mr. Myoi's best friend since middle school. and when mr.myoi became a surgeon and started his own hospital, Sana's father helped design the hospital. Sana's father is an architect.

When her father married her mother, they did not get the blessing of their respective families. Her father died in a car accident when he was going to take Sana's mother to give birth. Their car hit the road divider.

Meanwhile, Sana's mother was still brought to the hospital alive and managed to give birth to Sana at that time. Due to the loss of her husband and her husband's family who do not want to recognize the child she was born with, she decided to give Sana to her husband's best friend Mr. Myoi.

Her mother believed that she would take good care of and raise Sana. After 1 month of depression that made her mother sick and then died. Before she died, her mother still had time to write a letter to Sana.

Explains to her about her true identity and apologizes for not being able to be with her now.

Sana read her mother's letter when she was 15 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Myoi gave the letter on her birthday. To be honest, at that time Sana felt grateful that her mother gave it to Mr and Mrs Myoi. Because they have become the best parents for Sana.

They care for and look after Sana with great affection. After 1 year Sana was cared for by them, Mrs. Myoi gave birth to Mina.

Even though they already have Mina, they still don't distinguish the affection between the two of them. Mr.Myoi decided to give his surname to Sana.

Sana and Mina grew and developed filled with love from their parents. Their parents always taught them to love each other.

Mina even gets scolded if she doesn't want to obey Sana. On the other hand, Sana will be reprimanded if she always teases her sister.

Mina since childhood had difficulty interacting with new people and new environments. Mina is always quiet and prefers to spend her time in her room.

While Sana is very sociable, and always cheerful. but despite having opposite personalities, they love each other and almost do anything together.

Basically, they grow up together. Attended the same school from elementary to senior high school. Sana knows that Mina is very dependent on her in socializing with other people. Because of her introverted nature, Mina looks cold, arrogant and unfriendly. But if she was near Sana, she looked more comfortable. And Sana likes that. She never objected to Mina becoming so dependent on her.

But, everything is changing now. And it all started when they were in senior high school. Mina is so smart, elegant and very talented. She has always been the number 1 student in their school. Mina also collects many championship titles in the academic field. But don’t get her wrong, Sana is also smart. She is in the top 5 rankings. She also often wins in modeling competitions. But she has to admit, Mina is indeed smarter. Being a daughter form a best surgeon in Japan and a top Lawyer is truly worth it.

And because of that, the teacher and her friends always compare the two of them. They always say that Mina is better than her.

At first, Sana didn't care about all that. She is happy to have a wonderful sister. She also didn't care as long as her parents didn't compare and differentiate between the two of them. And her parents are still like that to this day.

She started to get annoyed with it all when she was in her last year of high school. After almost 5 years of trying to ignore it all, she couldn't take it anymore when her first boyfriend started comparing her and Mina. She felt like she was about to explode in frustration.

Since then, she started to stay away from Mina, interacting less with her. Because according to her, if she did that maybe people would stop comparing the two of them.

She knew she was selfish, because it wasn't Mina's fault. But she can't help it but feel frustrated. Her ego has mastered it.

And when she graduated from senior high school, she felt it was her chance to get away from Mina. She can truly be free from Mina's shadow, and can be free from the opinions of people who compare She and Mina.

She asked her parents to study in Korea. Her mom objected at first, because she said she couldn't be away from her daughters.. But Sana continued to persuade and finally her parents agreed.


A knock on the door of her room made her wake up from her daydream. she raised her head and she heard Mina talking from outside her bedroom door

"Sana, can I come in?"

At first Sana hesitated to answer but she still allowed Mina to enter, "yeah"

She saw Mina slowly opened the door and stepped inside. She carried a tray of food.

"I brought you dinner, because you didn't come in for dinner with mom and dad"

"Thanks.." Sana said while gesturing for Mina to put it on the table.

After putting down the tray, Mina turned around and stood facing Sana with her head down. She wanted to talk to her sister but didn't know how to start.

"You can leave now. I'll eat it later."

"Are you still mad at dad and mom? Mina asked her.

"no...i'm upset" answered Sana without looking at Mina.

"I'm sorry Sana. if you want, I can talk to daddy again to reconsider his decision"

Hearing that made Sana look at Mina and frown
"You already said yes Mina. What's the point to do that? Sana spoke in a sarcastic tone.
"Besides, you can say no to dad, right?" She adds, the only difference between their parents' treatment of them is 'Their parents always say YES to Sana and Mina can't say NO to them'
Sana used to always feel sorry for Mina, because she didn't refuse anything that their parents had arranged for her. Mina can't really expressing what’s in her mind and what’s her really want.

But now, Sana is angry because Mina can't refuse her dad's decision.

“I’m really sorry Sana.I’ll take my leave now” Mina turned around walked to the door but whe she was about to open it Sana stop her.

"Mina...try not to stand out too much in Seoul later. And don't be close to my friends" Sana said with a stern voice

Mina turned to look at her and smile "dont worry Sana, I will do whatever you want. Goodnight and I miss you " she then left in a hurry.

Sana felt broken, She swore, she saw Mina's teary eyes before she left. She doesn't mean to hurt her sister but she also doesn't want to experience the old annoying problem all over again. Not after she had amazing life in Seoul.
She lay down and close her eyes " I miss you too Mina " she whispered and tears rolled down her cheeks.

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