Chapter 32

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Why did Tzuyu have to give Chaeyoung permission?

Why should I go out when they just want to talk to solve their problems?

Are we going out a little too much?

At this rate, we might as well be a real couple.

And why do I always have to feel nervous everytime being around Chaeyoung?

Mina was fidgeting her finger when Chaeyoung turned to look at her. He smiled at the sight of her nervous look.

" Don't worry Mina, I won't do anything bad to you "

Mina lifted her head up and look at him, she saw him smiled. And somehow, her heart felt warm to see that smile.

" Where are you taking me? "

" To a place you might be like "

" Where? "

" There. "

Mina looked at Chaeyoung strangely as he stopped his car and turned off the engine. The night air was cool as they got out of the car. Chaeyoung had driven up a hill and stopped at a viewing platform at the top. The view was magnificent. Mina breathed deeply, allowing the cool air to refresh her lungs. She stretched and exhaled, enjoying the majestic view of Seoul's night lights.

" Do you like it here? "

Mina nodded. She couldn't help smiling. She loved beautiful view like this one. It made her feel like her problems were much smaller than they were.

" I thought you might like it since you enjoyed the view at the restaurant "

Mina looked at Chaeyoung, surprised. She hadn't expected him to pick up on that detail. She was touched.

" Yes.. I do like it. Thanks "

Chaeyoung smiled, " Let's sit on the bench "  he pointed at a bench just in front of them. It wasn't a long bench so they sat at the end of each bench. Leaving a little space in the middle of them.

They were feel silent as each of them was busy managing their nervousness. For Chaeyoung, this a rare opportunity that he can get. Just being alone with Mina, seeing the beautiful view both in front of him and the woman beside him. Being able to feel the warmth just by smelling her scent.

Chaeyoung doesn't need anything else. For him, Mina is the center of his world now. And he will do whatever it takes to be close to her even if he has to keep his distance from her.

While Mina, she thought about what she talked to Sana this morning. Sana told her to let her heart decide. And she knew exactly what her heart would decide. It will choose Chaeyoung.

But is this worth it?

What if he hurts me again?

Can I believe him?

But I will never know the answer to all my question if I don't give him a chance to prove himself to me.

Should I try?

" Chaeyoung.. Can I ask you a question? " Mina soft's voice broke the silence.

Chaeyoung turned to look at her and smiled, " You can ask me anything, Mina "

Mina looked down at her fingers, take a deep breath before she say " Why do you look so angry at the woman we met at the theater? "

The smile on Chaeyoung's face turned into a frown, " I was angry not only at that woman, but also at the circumstances that brought her into my life. I was angry with my father, angry that he could easily forget his disappointment with my mother just being with another woman. I'm angry that everywoman who was with him always thinks that they can be a replacement for my mother in front of me. I was angry that my father didn't care about what really I wanted. I don't want a surrogate mother. I just want him to go back to how he used to be. Back to being a father that I can rely on. I have a very messy family, Mina "

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