Chapter 36

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Jeongyeon leapt up from his chair as though he had been electrocuted by it.

" What?! Mina is in the hospital?! Aren't you guys at the amusement park?! Okay.. I'll be there ASAP "

Jeongyeon wanted to hurry, but he couldn't leave Nayeon and Jihyo. They were at his basketball club event. Nayeon came as his girlfriend and Jihyo as the student President.

When Jeongyeon was about to find Nayeon and Jihyo, Nayeon is already standing behind him with a look of utter concern on her face. It was obvious that she wanted to know what the matter was very desperately.

" Jeong.. What happened to Mina? Why is she in the hospital? "

" I don't know.. Momo didn't say anything. She was sobbing to badly. We need to go to the hospital now "

" I'm going with you two " Jihyo who turned out to be eavesdroping on them decided to come with them.

It was madness in the car. Nayeon was pestering Jeongyeon to drive faster, grumbling about his speed of driving and repeatedly mumbling about how if she were the driver, they'd be at the hospital by now.

" If you're the one driving, we're very likely to be in the hospital for the wrong reasons. Now please keep quite. Jeongyeon needs to concentrate on driving "

" I'm worried Jihyo.. What if it's because of Chaeyoung again?! Sana must have really killed him. And this time I will help her. "

" Yah !!! We don't know about that. There's no one who kill someone tonight! "

Nayeon turned her body and glared at Jihyo, " This is not the time to pamper Chaeyoung ! "

" I don't pamper him! " Jihyo answered with a glare as same as Nayeon did.

" STOP!! " Jeongyeon said with eyes still focus on the road.

" You're bickering doesn't help anything here. So please calm down and we will arrived soon. "

As they arrived at the hospital, they were very shocked as the nurse informed them about a patient named Myoi Mina was undergoing surgery. They looked into each other's eyes while gasping.

" This is so bad " Nayeon muttered.


It takes Chaeyoung every ounce of restraint not to kick the OR door open. Mina is in there, fighting for her life and all Chaeyoung can do is wait out here. Sitting on the cold stainless bench.

Chaeyoung can feel hot tears pricking the back of his eyes. He had never been this scared. The ambulance didn't come fast enough. Mina probably had lost too much blood when the paramedic started the emergency transfusion en-route.

He can imagine the knife stabbing through Mina's skin and muscles and hit her artery. He can imagine Mina, scared and alone facing the four dumb person who want to harm her. If only he had not left her. If only he had to come sooner.

" Damn It !!! " Chaeyoung stands up, kicking the trash can and created clanking noise in the otherwise quiet corridor of the OR floor.

Everyone who was there flinched. Momo even stopped her sobs in Dahyun's arms. But not with one particular person.

Tzuyu had Sana wrapped in his arms as they sat on the stainless bench outside the OR. Since Mina entered the operating room, Sana didn't say anything. nor did she shed a tear. She just sat there with blank eyes. Even after Chaeyoung's commotion just now, she didn't budge. It made Tzuyu worry.

" Honey.. are you okay? "

" Huh? "

" Are you okay? You haven't say anything "

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