Chapter 29

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Mina has been wondering why on earth she offered to go lunch with Chaeyoung and his friends?.

It's not like, she still can't get to close to them because Sana also often invites her. But isn't she want to as could as she can to avoided the murmuring and the staring from Chaeyoung's fangirls?.

And now, the murmuring is getting louder and the staring is also getting sharper as she walking side by side with Chaeyoung. Eventhough there is quite distance between them. Chaeyoung's one-side-claim still has a big effecton his fangirls,though.

She told Chaeyoung to meet in the cafetaria instead, but he insist on waiting her to walk together to get there.

Seriously? What's on my mind to suggest this stupid idea?
And not only this, I also say yes for his suggestion to take me to the theater.

Actually last night, Mina was about to refuse Chaeyoung's suggestion. Thinking that she should avoid him and stay away from him. But her heart wanted the opposite. And as usual whenever she looked into his soothing eyes, it was her heart that always won.

Without her knowing, her mouth already said yes. Although after ward she freaked out in her mind. Not to mention that last night, her mind was also filled with an almost-happened-kissed in the balcony.

Urrggg.. I guess, being alone with Chaeyoung is too dangerous.
My mind and my mouth could work unsyncronize.

And when they arrived at the cafetaria, Mina could see Chaeyoung's friends had gathered at the same spot everytime she saw them here. Looks like they own that spot, she thought.

" Hei guys.. I brought Mina here. She said, she wants to have lunch with us " Chaeyoung greeted his friends when they were already standing near their table.

Everyone at the table turned their heads in unison and was immediately stunned when they saw Mina. They seemed to see the very impossible things.

And to be honest, Mina felt nervous to be seen like that.

Chaeyoung noticed that, " Don't mind them Mina.. here, you can sit in this chair " as he pulled the chair next to Nayeon for Mina to sit on.

Nayeon was the first one to react. " Oh sure.. It will be great Mina. We are so glad that you want to have lunch with us " she said with a big smile.

" Thank you " Mina replied with a slight smile as she sat on the chair Chaeyoung had prepared.

" What would you like to eat Mina? " asked Chaeyoung.

" Just a sandwich will be good, thank you "

" Okay sure.. " Chaeyoung smiled charmingly at her which mada the others snort in amusement at him.

" It seems that someone is already acting like a boyfriend. Even if its only oneside"

Everyone laughed at Jeongyeon's sarcasm. Except for Mina and Chaeyoung. They are blushing.

" Shut up Jeong ! " Chaeyoung glared at him before he left to get the food.

The laughter turned silent when Chaeyoung left. Each of them felt awkward. And for Mina, she always has a hard time interacting with peoples who are not to close to her. Sana is the one who always saves her when she is in this situation.

Speaking of Sana, Mina just realized that her sister wasn't here.

" I'm sorry.. But where's Sana? "

" Sana still has to meet her professor, but you don't need to worry Mina. She will come soon with Tzuyu " Jihyo answered Mina.

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