Chapter 1: New Beginnings Part 1

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"Love you mama!!" 

These were the words I told my mother as I was about to leave for me flight.

My name is Jayden. I'm 19 years of age and with a nice caramel skin tone. I'm about to leave for the United States to study. Life in the Caribbean was great but it was about time I did something new in my life. With the help of my family, my dream of becoming the greatest graphic designer ( I can dream right?)  was coming through. I can get somewhat emotional so saying goodbye to my parents and brother made my eyes watered.

As I walked off I just thought to myself; You're about to embark on a new journey with great things in store. Was so lost in thought I almost got stuck in the revolving door in the airport. Looking around to make sure no one say I carried on fixing my backback on my back.

Soon enough I was on the plane, heading towards JFK. I got a little bored, so I whipped out my phone and just stared at my girlfriend. A long distant relationship wouldn't work so we had to break up. Thinking another picture of her beautiful face would be next, I swiped the screen to change the pic. What showed up next had me so embarrassed, I had to quickly hide my phone so my seat-mate wouldn't see. No it wasn't a picture of my girlfriend, but one of the sexiest bodies I have ever seen. It was a picture of my best friend, Zachary. 

Now doesn't that make me look gay? Well I'm not gay. We've just been close and well I won't see him again and well he's just hot. The flight was a few hours more so I decided to take a well deserved rest, seeing I was up and down throughout the day.

We finally touched down at JFK and within half of an hour I was outside with my aunt, Karmen. "So young man, ready for your new life?" she asked as we got into the car. "Heck yeah I am!" I responded with a big ass grin my face. "Well, welcome to the US of A." 

She had to do a few hours of driving to get to Baltimore and well it was late at night, so of course your brotha had to snooze.

"Jayden wake up, wake up," my aunt whispered. She and my cousin Kay helped me with my luggage as I stumbled out the car and into the house. I didn't even bother to look around and headed straight to my room and into bed. "Sleep well Jay, we'll talk in the morning" Kay said and turned off the lights. As I lay in bed, I took in the cold AC breeze and took off my pants, of course still keeping my boxers on.

Morning soon arrived because I could hear someone mowing their damn lawn. Man was it annoying, but I got up and did the usual morning routine. I was around people though, so I couldn't keep my boxers on alone.  So I put on some shorts and headed towards the kitchen. 

Breakfast was great; I got to see my relatives who I didn't see in years since my last visit. While I'm talking to my cousin Kay, I notice my phone vibrating. I pick it up and realize it's Zachary. He actually found time to message me....OMG. I open the message and out pops a picture of his rock hard dick. Just like in the airplane I had to hide my phone.


Me: is wrong with you?? 

Zachary: well hello to you too.

Me: sigh, thought I told you to never show me it, you know I aint gay.

Zachary: Yeah yeah, you curious............

Me: anywayz...gtg bro. talk later


So I put my phone down and continue talking to my cuz. However throughout the next few minutes of our convo I'm just here thinking about Zachary's dick. I decide to cut her off, after much chatter (she wouldn't stop talking) and tell her I'm gonna rest in my room.

I quickly get up, pick up some tissue and head straight towards my room, locking the door behind me. I jump on my bed, whip out my dick, bring back up that sexy pic of Zachary's thick dick and have a little fun with myself. I gotta say, it was a bit of a relief, masturbating to Zachary's dick, but it had me tired after, so I fell asleep without even cleaning myself.

About an hour later I hear knocks on the door. "Jayden? get up, we gotta go on an errand."

Now my aunt was talking really loud, so it woke me instantly. My cum had already dried up on my stomach, so I desperately tried cleaning it up so my aunt won't notice. I opened the door to let her in, (after scrambling to find some clothes) and she tells me we gotta visit the University before lunch. As we are talking, I notice her picking up my phone. "Look Jay, I think you have a message," she says as she hands my phone to me. Before I receive the phone, I see it unlock and it reveals the pic of Zachary's dick. Oh heart almost drops............................

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