Chapter 2: A Friend with Benefits?

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So both of us are walking down the hallway searching for our class, when I tell him we should ask someone for directions to the class. He spots this chick on her phone and we walk up to her.

"Hi there, we're looking for Room 205," he said, showing her his schedule.

She directed us to the end of the hall where we saw the sign with the name. I'm a pretty quiet guy, so I didn't really talk to him much, even though I was lost in my thoughts about him. I was suddenly taken out of them when he whispered for me to go in first.

I took a deep breath and entered the very spacious classroom. The teacher was on her phone so we both managed to slip in unnoticed to the back. I was surprised when he sat right next to me, knowing there were many empty chairs scattered about the room. I couldn't help myself so I started chatting up a storm with him.

I don't really do this with any and everyone, but the dude seemed so genuine and nice.

"So Jayden, you got a girlfriend?" he said with a slight grin.

"Umm not at the moment, what about you?" I asked looking towards him.

"Well, I—-

He gets cuts off when the teacher announces herself, Mrs. Peaks. (what a stupid name)

As all first day classes go, we all introduce ourselves to each other and at the end get small assignments to do. Luckily, in university we have a small number of classes a day, with today only having four. Before I knew it my second class was over and we had like a half hour of spare time before lunch. I guess this was my opportunity to get to know Nikolai some more.

"Hey, Nik! If umm...I can call you that," I said grinning with a worried face.

"What's up bro and yes you are allowed to," he smurked as he picked up his backpack.

"Seeing you're my only friend here so far, you wanna chill until lunch?"

"Sure why not. Not like I got any friends either."

It was weird, cuz we didn't talk to anyone in the two classes we had together. So we found an empty table in the cafeteria and pulled up two chairs. I decided to ask him the same question I did in our first class, seeing we didn't talk much after.(btw I take my work seriously, being raised in the Caribbean, aint got no time to be a dummy)

"Soooo do you have a girlfriend?" I asked while fixing myself into the chair.

"Oh, yeah I's just complicated," he answered looking down to the floor shaking his leg.

"Why?" I said staring at hit leg that wouldn't stop moving.

"It's just complicated bro!!" he said with a raised tone, then walked off.

Now me, I obviously felt kinda bad for doing that. Anyway, Joshua made some lunch before we left this morning so I packed it to eat during lunch. As I began munching on the food, I heard some footsteps coming towards me, then someone sitting in the chair Nikolai was in.

"Hi!! I'm Bella."

"Nice to meet you Bella, I'm Jayden." I responded shaking her hand.

"Cool name....fits your cute look," she said as she let go of my hand.

Sad to say, but Bella reminded me of my ex, well at least her voice. Bella was a beautiful light skinned young lady, nice flowing brown hair with hazel eyes. She was short though, but aint no one ever too short. lol

"You're new here right?" she asked.

"I am," I responded, still eating my sandwich.

We talked for a little while after, and surprisingly exchanged numbers. As she walked off she told me if I ever need anything, I know who to come to. I was just interested in making friends and she was pretty as hell.

So after lunch, I had my third class, an outdoor class. Nikolai wasn't in this one since it was a large class and they needed to split them up into groups on different days. Of course I was lost in my thoughts again but this time thinking of how stupid I was, to ask him about his personal life. We ain't even know each other for 24 hours and I already upset him.

Thankfully the class ended quickly, cuz I couldn't stay out any longer in that summer heat. I ran to the bathroom to pee and wash my face, then headed to my locker to check my schedule. As I open the locker and fiddled inside for the schedule, I feel a hand tap my shoulder. I stop, then turn around to see Nikolai standing behind me.

"What's up man?" I ask, shutting my locker.

"Hey, I just wanna say I'm sorry for what happened earlier."

"It's cool man, wasn't my business to know."

He let out a quiet sigh, but then slowly smiled and looked up.

"You ready for this last class," he asked.

"Yeah I am, tired as hell and just want it to be over," I responded as we walked towards the class laughing.


Hey, to all those reading. The weekend into this week has been a tough one for me, relationship wise. So excuse my writing if it sounds weird. I'd appreciate any feedback and tips. Vote, Comment and Follow!!

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