Chapter 5: You want Popcorn?

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I quietly groaned in pain as I rub my elbow and sit down. So I'm here taking notes for the class, when a girl screams out at me to look at my arm. I look down at my elbow and see blood running down my hand onto the desk. That shit freaked me out, cuz I thought it was a simple graze. I excused myself from the class and headed towards the bathroom.

I place my hand under the running water to clean off the blood. It stings like hell but the warmness of the water feels good after a while. While I'm wiping my hands I hear what sounds like someone sniffling.

"Who's there?" I ask, looking under the stalls.

"'s no one," a quiet voice says.

"Hold up!! Nikolai?" I ask walking up to the stall nearest the wall. response................

I motion myself towards the stall door and quietly push it open. As it opens, it reveals a sobbing young man, who indeed is Nikolai.

"Dude.....what's wrong?" I ask with a worried look on my face.

"It's not really.......Just broke up with my girlfriend," he says as a tear drops down his face.

I felt really bad for him. He's this cute, sexy young guy and it looks like his life is upside down. Trying to be a good friend, and not showing any signs of being gay, I walk up to him and pat him on the shoulder. He doesn't really pay attention, but then leans his head against my hand.

It kinda startles me, so I jump to the side feeling all weird.

"Oh my bad man. I'm sorry," he says wiping his face.

I simple nod at him and tell him to get up.

"Hey dude, don't feel bad, meet me after classes are over today and we'll talk." I say as we walk out into the hall.

The rest of the day flies by quickly and I'm walking towards the empty cafeteria to have this chat with Nikolai. I take out my phone to message him, but I notice him walking towards the table.

"So, therapist, can you help me?" he says with a cute grin on his face.

"Yes Mr. Francis, what seems to be the problem," I say with an obvious, horrible English accent.

He then tells me about his rocky relationship of 2 years with his now ex-girlfriend. The fights, the heartbreak and everything that seemed bad about them being together. I just sit there taking it all in, while staring at his sexy self.

"So yeah, that's all of it," he says dropping his head down.

"Dude, this is life, not everything works out for the best," I tell him once again patting his shoulder. He once again lays his head against my arm, but quickly moves off.

"I'm sorry again bro, I'm not gay," he says trying not to be awkward.

"It's ok, and I'm not either" I respond with a fake smile.

"You wanna catch a movie tonight?" he asks staring at me.

"Why not," I say giving him a thumbs up.(fangirling in my head.)

"Great imma be in the car pack at 7 with my car," he says walking off.

Oh how we behave so awkward now around each other, but hey, I'm glad that we're going to watch a movie. He's starting to grow on me and it's weird, but I like it.

——- Later that Day ——-

It's about 6:45 and I just finished getting dressed to go to the movies. I tell Joshua I'm heading out as I spray some cologne on myself. I decide to message Nikolai letting him know I'm on my way to the car park. He quickly responds saying he's already there waiting.

About 5 minutes later, I arrive at the car park and I see him leaning against his Chevy, looking oh so fine.

"Sweet ride bruh," I say rubbing the hood.

"Get in," he says walking towards the door.

The drive towards the movies was a bit quiet, with a few talking here and there. It's like we were both holding back on speaking our mind, because I can tell he feels the same way I'm now feeling about him.

We both exit the car and walk towards the entrance to "Capitol Cinema."

The line is long as hell so it takes 10 minutes until we reach the front of the ticket booth.

"What you wanna see," he asks turning towards me.

"Umm...idk you chose," I respond raising my shoulders.

He decides on Furious 7 and then pays for the tickets...... how sweet right?

Before we go in, I ask him if he wants any popcorn to eat, to which he responds yes.

"I'll pay for the food," I say with a big smile on my face.

"Sweet!" he says handing me my ticket.

We then enter the cinema and take our seats at the back, not suspicious at all. After a while, people start trickling into the room until it's completely filled.

"I don't see all the hype for this movie," I say picking up some popcorn.

"You know they're just watching this because of Paul Walker," Nikolai says shaking his head.

After a few trailers, the movie finally starts and the lights dim into darkness. I place my hand on the arm rest and sip some soda. I'm soo into the movie, when I feel a hand rest on top of mine.

Hey everyone. I appreciate any feedback on my book so far. Do you like it slow/boring? lol Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. ;) 

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