Chapter 16: I'm Sorry

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Ok, so it's been a month since Nik's accident that almost had him dead. He's been resting ever since at his moms, who also took me in.  I hate seeing him this way, but I'm glad that he's ok and that I'm here to help him. I also found out that my long, lost Caribbean friend is living not too far from here....... in the United States. It was a total shock to me, seeing him after so long.....but what made it really weird is that he's seeing Keegan. I mean, how the heck did that happen? Once he knows I'm together with Nikolai, things shouldn't get all weird.

Keegan's POV

Life has been ten times better since Zachary saved me from killing myself. He's like this thug dude that I can feel safe around, which I totally like. I asked him out about a week ago to which he responded yes, and can I just say this week has been the best. However, I'm still feeling guilty for what I did to um....Nikolai, but I'm glad Zachary is around to take it off of my mind.

Nikolai's POV

"JAYDEN!!!" I shout across the hall.

"What is it ugly?" he responds walking back into the room.

"Where the water?" I ask.

"It's here boy," he says handing me the cold glass of water.

Turns out I got a fractured leg, rib and a concussion from the accident. I swear when I find out who did this to me, they gonna die.

"I need a kiss," I pout looking towards him.

"You know I can't resist that adowable look," he says jumping next to me.

"Ouch!! Watch it!" I shout out nibbling on his arm.

"Aww...I'm sowwy baby," he says giggling in my face.

He then leans over and plants one on my cheek.

"Really? I wanted it on the lips," I huff.

"Have you seen your lips man?" he grins handing me a mirror.

This accident really banged up a brother. My body still aches and my cuts are still healing. I'm still looking at my busted lip when Jay sneaks a kiss on my lips.

"You know I can't leave you hanging," he says wiping the side of my face.

"Know go get some rest, I gotta change Xavien's diaper."

Jayden's POV

I've been watching Mrs. Johnson lately and I can tell this accident has her stressed out. Which is why I'm glad I can help out with both Xavien and Nikky. Lord....I'm turning into a woman. But it does have me tired as well, because I have to juggle classes, and helping them out. Thank God Christmas is coming soon so I can have a nice break from all of that.

"Aww look at you two," Nik says as I enter the room.

"I see someone is up," I respond handing Xavien to him.

"Babe...can I ask a favor," he says.

"Sure what is it?" I ask sitting beside him.

"Can you go home and get some more clothes for me? Please," he says.

I laughed out but had to stop when I caught him staring hard at me.

"Ehh fine..." I responded walking off.

"Thank you!" he shouts back.

I soon got into his car and drove to his house. I took out the key he gave me and opened the door. The place was looking the same, since the last time I was here, minus all of the dust. I quickly ran up to his room and took out some clothes from his closet. As I finished putting the last boxers into the bag I started walking to the door when I noticed a shadow in the hall.

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