Chapter 18: I Just Wanted Love Part 1

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Jayden's POV


I'm struggling, trying to get up to answer my phone, but this heavy ass boy is weighing me down. I finally manage to grab the phone and read a text message from Zachary. 

We need to talk....I'm coming over later

He's been acting really suspicious lately, but right about now I need to get some more sleep. I look across the bed to see Nik fast asleep. His nose often twitches like a rabbit, while he sleeps, which is the cutest. I pull the covers back on and cuddle up next to him. There ain't no other place I'd rather be.

Zachary's POV

The smell of pancakes filled the air as I dropped the final one onto a plate. I'm not one to brag, but your brotha got some skills in the kitchen. I decided to make some breakfast for myself and Keegan, as a way to make up for all the nonsense that happened yesterday. I grab the maple syrup from the fridge and start pouring it over my breakfast, when I start hearing what sounds like shouting. I'm quickly swallowing the food as I walk towards Keegan's room, to investigate. 

"I..d-didn't mean to hurt you.....N-Nikolai!"

Apparently he's having one of these sleep-talking, nightmares again. I rush over to him, shaking the life out of him to wake him up. He finally gets up, and looking like he's been in a war.

"Ughh what happened?" he asks, fixing his messy hair.

"Ehh was nothing, just a nightmare I guess," I say.

"Can you bring some water for me? Please?" he then asks.

" right back." I respond walking out the room.

Ok, so this is the second time he been shouting out Nikolai's name and I can't help but think he was responsible for the accident that Jayden was talking about. But why would he do something like that.

Keegan's POV

Man he is too easy. To think all he wants to do is love me, when in reality he just wants to get to Jayden. I do love him, very much, but stuff from my past can easily change how I feel about persons. Anyway my plan seems to be going pretty well......does he actually think I still talk in my sleep? Should've just shouted out I tried to killed Nikolai inside.

With what I think is the evilest grin on my face, I walk over to the dresser and take out my father's gun. I then take a single bullet and slip it into the gun. "All in the name of love," I whisper to myself as I drop back onto the bed, but I quickly rise back up after smelling something good.

---Later that Day---

Nikolai's POV

"Hurry back babe," I say as Jay dashes out of the house.

Gosh I'm so lucky to have him in my life. I can still remember the first day I met him, when we didn't know where the hell to go. I start flipping through the channel to find something to watch when I stopped at the local news channel. Oh wow, I actually made news, well at least my picture did. The reporter is seen exactly where the accident took place, when she points to a car being towed, in the distance. I don't know why, but it looks so familiar, minus all the erosion and seaweed. She then continues saying that they believe this was the car used to run into mine, most likely due to the amount of damage to the front.

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