Chapter 6: C is for Caring

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"Oh shit, my bad....thought it was my soda," Nikolai said picking up his cup.

I looked at him, then back towards the screen. His hand was on top of mine a bit too long, for him to be searching for his soda cup. I brushed it off then continued watching the movie.

After about two hours, the movie was finally over. It's sad about the whole Paul Walker thing, but ehh it wasn't my kind of movie. Nikolai and I then exited the theatre and headed towards his car.

" liked the movie?" I asked him.

"Yeah it was aite..needed more explosions," he said making bomb noises with his mouth.

We had a little distance again to reach the car so we detoured and took a shortcut. I was n't really watching where I was going and I suddenly ran into someone, both of us falling to the ground.

"Oh my gosh, I'm really sorry," I said, dusting off my arm and getting up.

I stretched my arm out to help the dude who was still on the floor, when he grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me towards him. As I began falling on top of him I say his other arm forming a fist, which then hit my hard, right below my eye.

Dazed, I tried getting up, but couldn't because the dude was on top of me punching me in the stomach. I shook myself a bit to free my arm from under my body and began swinging it in his direction. The next thing I saw, was him being lifted up and thrown to the side. Nikolai grabbed me from the ground and we ran towards the car.

We immediately jumped in and sped off before the lunatic followed us. We were both breathing heavily when he said he'll take me to his house to help me. We got out of the car and entered his moderately sized house.

"Mom, can you come help my friend?" he shouted while he searched for some first aid supplies.

A few minutes later his very pretty mom appeared and started attending to my wounds. He told me she was a nurse at the nearby hospital, so she'd fix me up.

I could tell he seemed worried at my condition, because he was pacing up and down making sure his mom had everything she needed.

"'ll live another day," she said with a heartwarming smile on her face.

She then left Nikolai and I who were sitting on the sofa. The room was quiet for a while until the cutest thing happened. He ran upstairs and came back down with his baby brother, who he placed on my lap. He was sooo adorable as he just sat there staring into my eyes.

"You're a natural," he said with a grin.

"Ehhh not really, I guess he likes my bandaged face," I said laughing.

Now I must say, it was really nice playing with his brother, he didn't cry at all while I was holding him. The last time I did this was when my brother was younger and it brought back so many memories. After much persuasion, I finally gave Nikolai back his brother (even though I didn't want to). He told me to watch some TV while he takes him back to his crib.

I slowly lay back onto a pillow and start thinking. I've known Nikolai for a while and he is really growing on me and I think I'm starting to fall for him.

"Hey ugly, what you thinking about," he says grinning as he sits next to me.

"Oh be quiet," I respond, punching him lightly on the arm.

Once again we sit there with an awkward silence, until he turns the TV on. I wanna tell him how I'm starting to feel about him. but I don't know if it's too soon...or if it's weird, because he might be straight.

I spend another half hour by him watching TV and just being guys, doing stupid stuff. Let me just say, within that half an hour, he was only worrying about my injury and making sure I didn't bump or run into anything to make it worse. Can I say he's too adorable like his baby brother?

I then tell him it's getting late and we should leave now. He agrees and we both start getting up, not before he helps me up first. I turn towards him and thank him for all he did for me. We're about to exit through the door when I see him stop me and starts looking around. He then leans in close to my face and kisses me on the cheek.

I stumble back a bit and he grabs me so I won't fall. I'm totally shocked but I try to play it off.

"Ummm, dude what was that for?" I ask wiping my face.

He doesn't answer and then walks outside. I follow him and we both get into the car. I put my seatbelt on when he places his hand on mine again and says.......

"I like you Jayden....."

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