Chapter 14: Say my Name..Say my Name Part 2

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Jayden in the above pic. ;)

Nikolai's POV

"Bye babe, I love you and have fun!" I shout as Jay exits the car.

He decided to spend the rest of the day at his aunt with their family. That's great, because now I can go buy the remaining stuff for our dinner.....oh and his cake too. I'm still remembering what he told me last night about him being mine tonight. I guess I'll just have to wait until tonight to find out.

Keegan's POV

"Keegan.....wake up!"

"What is it..."

"You need to leave now!"

I suddenly jump out of my sleep as I see Mr. Johnson hovering over my face.

"You weren't suppose to stay last night," he says handing me my clothes.

"Oh're right," I say as he helps me put on my shirt.

We both quietly walk out the room into the hallway as he checks to see if the coast is clear.

"Wait....." he whispers, motioning me to stop.

I calmly stoop down behind him as I see his wife entering the bathroom.

" now" he says as he grabs my ass.

"Round two tonight?" I ask as I descend the staircase.

"Yes!" he replies with a big grin.

Dear lord, I actually got in and got out without being caught. I have to be more careful and resist the urge to always have sex. I think after tonight I'll take a break from Mr. Johnson and actually find someone I can be with.

Jayden's POV

Today has been going great so far. I had an amazing breakfast with my Nik Nik and now I'm at my aunt receiving all my gifts. You could swear it's Christmas with all the gifts I unwrapped today. Other than the stuffed animal I got, my next favorite is this expensive watch my cuz got me; it's got, diamonds and shizz all around it. I also got a few phone calls from some of my friends, and surprisingly, one from Zachary. I mean it's been so long since we talked and he actually called me to tell me happy birthday. I'd really like to leave and be with Nik but I have to stay here and help my aunt with all the plans for this weekend. I decide to text him I love him to which he replies with a voice note of him singing. He still can't hit those notes but I wouldn't want him to change any of it.

Mr. Johnson's POV

Throughout the whole day I've been thinking about what happened with me and Keegan. I mean, I know I'm bisexual, but I was never a bottom for anyone, and this happened last night and it was the best ever. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when my wife walks in dangling something in her hand.

"What is this?" she asks dropping a boxers on the floor.

"How the hell am I suppose to know woman?" I shout back.

'Don't be shouting at me" she spits back with a mean stare.

"Jessica...we have a 21 year old son and you're asking me who it belongs to? Ask him." I say kicking it to the side.

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