Chapter 17: Don't Whisper Loudly

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The above pic:                                                                                                                                                                             How the story writing process for this book is done. :P Thought I might as well share it with you all.

Jayden's POV

Well it's been 3 days since Nik "kicked me out." I want to give him all the space he needs to process everything but I can't help but look at my phone, expecting him to send me a message. Oh yeah, we haven't spoken since then as well and it's killing me. I'm the type that loves constant communication, so this has really been irritating me.

My heart starts beating fast as I notice my phone ringing, expecting him to be calling. I look at the phone and see it's his mom calling which makes me drop the phone, but then I pick it back up and answer just to not be rude.


"Jayden Hall!"

"Yes....Mrs. Johnson?"

"Child you have alot of explaining to do...right now"

I pause for a second trying to understand what she's talking about, when it hits me........he told her about me and her husband...shit!!

"Don't make me come over there boy!"

"Ok.....I did it because of a fight me and Nik had. Just like what recently happened, he kicked me out and I had nowhere to go, so I headed to your house and Mr. Johnson took me in for the night."


"Well I stayed there for a few nights, without anything happening.......until he came on me. I didn't know what to do so I just let it happen and I know it was wrong.


"No....not at all ma'am. It was never my intention to do anything, but Nikolai really hurt me that night. I'd just like to say I'm sorry Ms. Johnson for anything I may have caused or done."

"I'm still gonna whoop yo ass when I see you though. But things have been pretty tough on Nikolai, since my husband and I started showing signs of disinterest in each other..................I hate seeing you both like this, so I'll have to talk to him. Ok?"

"I understand ma'am. Hope you enjoy your day."

"And remember...."

"Yes....I'm getting an ass whoopin'."

"You sure are....bye love."


Man....I don't have to say much, and people can still forgive me. Must be my way of communication with them. After the chat with Mrs. Johnson, I fell asleep on the couch for what I thought was like 5 hours, but was just about 45 minutes. After stretching my lazy ass self, I started walking towards the kitchen, when I hear a knock at the door.

Zachary's POV

Nikolai.....Nikolai......Nikolai. That name sounds very familiar, but I'm not quite sure who it is. Is it some lil bitch Keegan on the low with? Or somebody else? He don't want me to trip on him so he better tell me. I wanna get it off my chest so I decide to head over by him to find out who exactly this dude is and why he be shouting out his name. My mom isn't home with the car,  so I have to take a dirty ole bus to his house. 

I finally arrive and see him outside on the porch looking like he's asleep. I then plant a kiss on his cheek, causing him to jump up.

"What what!! Oh hey baby," he says pulling me closer.

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